Peer Advisor Testimonials

New Peer Advisors will start in Fall 2024.

2023/2024 Peer Advisors

Elena (University of Sydney)

"My time in Sydney, Australia studying at the University of Sydney was the most transformative and incredible experience of my undergraduate career, which I am exceptionally grateful to have had the opportunity to partake in."

Read Elena's Testimonial

Abby (University College Maastricht)

"Studying abroad through the Bilateral exchange program was an amazing experience filled with fun memories and personal growth. Dublin will forever have a special place in my heart, and I wish I could do it all over again."

Read Abby's Testimonial

Amanda (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

"I was able to immerse myself in a new culture and environment, meet people from all backgrounds, and push myself in ways I never would have been able to before."

Read Amanda's Testimonial

Alice (Uppsala University)

"The memories and lessons I’ve gained from Uppsala will stay with me forever. This journey has given me the confidence to face new challenges, a global perspective on life, and a network of friends scattered across the globe. I can only hope that others will be inspired to explore, embrace the unknown, and let exchange transform them!"

Read Alice's Testimonial

Tanzima (University of Oslo)

"The time at UIO in Norway went by fast, as precious time often does. I was saddened to leave Norway in June, but I left with so many memories, friends, and knowledge. Norway will be an important part of my life for shaping my independent thinking and letting me pursue my biggest dreams."

Read Tanzima's Testimonial

Michelle (University College Dublin)

"Studying abroad through the Bilateral exchange program was an amazing experience filled with fun memories and personal growth. Dublin will forever have a special place in my heart, and I wish I could do it all over again."

Read Michelle's Testimonial

Patricia (Durham University)

"The best part of my exchange was being downtown and running into a familiar face. I had a network of supporters that made Durham feel like a home away from home. People that, even though an ocean separates us, will always be in my life."

Read Patricia's Testimonial

2022/2023 Peer Advisors

Marie-May (University of Salamanca)

"This experience taught me perseverance, resilience, self-compassion, but most importantly self-advocacy. My time in Spain was not perfect, and it certainly was not always easy, but I would not change anything because I am now a better person for it." 

Read Marie-May's Testimonial

Jasmine (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

"I would redo my exchange semester abroad in a heartbeat. My love for Tübingen showed me how capable I am of adapting to new environments, making lasting connections, and seeking adventure into the unknown. I strongly recommend this valuable experience to all Queen’s students!" 

Read Jasmine's Testimonial

Hanna (University of Stirling)

"Stirling allowed me to grow both academically and personally. I became more independent, met a wide variety of people, experienced a different form of learning, and gained perspective on many cultures throughout Europe thanks to the many travel opportunities."

Read Hanna's Testimonial

Songyu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

"The exchange to the Chinese University of Hong Kong was a wonderful experience... I am very excited that I have overcome my academic challenges and successfully completed my studies in Hong Kong through hard work."

Read Songyu's Testimonial

Jihyun (University of Edinburgh)

"Participating in exchange has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life so far. It is something that I would encourage all students to consider pursuing!"

Read Jihyun's Testimonial

Rebecca (University College Maastricht)

"Participating in the exchange program at UCM was an unforgettable experience that taught me a lot about myself and the world around me. One of the highlights of my exchange was having the opportunity to travel all across Europe!"

Read Rebecca's Testimonial