
Finding Housing in Kingston

Need a place to stay while you are house-hunting? Check the short-term accommodations information below.

For extensive information on Kingston's housing market and valuable time-saving tips to help you get started looking for your new home, whether you are renting or buying, click the expandable information bars below. Find out more about the various neighbourhoods in Kingston to help you get started on your housing search.

New to Canada? Planning to rent? Learn about your options, rights and obligations on the Renting a Home section of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) website. New to Canada and planning to buy a home? Find step-by-step information on this process in the guide Buying Your First Home in Canada .

During the summer months, Kingston is a tourist destination and hotels and B&Bs are busy. Book early for best selection!

Campus residence accommodation (summer only)

Queen's residences offer overnight accommodations from May–August, featuring 2-bedroom units connected by a private washroom. Visit Queen's Event Services Accommodations  for additional information regarding your stay, and to reserve your room (under 30 days).

Long-term stay rates are available for stays over 30 days. Reservations for long-term stays can be made by contacting Queen's Event Services office at event.reservations@queensu.ca or 613-533-2223 (press 0).

St. Lawrence College also offers summer residence accommodations, a 10-minute car ride from Queen's campus, contact information is located on the college website .

Near campus accommodation (year-round)

The Donald Gordon Hotel and Conference Centre (DGHCC) is a year-round hotel with dining options and meeting spaces available on-site. It is located near Queen's West Campus (about a 15-20 minute walk from main campus). All rooms have mini-fridges but no kitchenette. Accommodations include a hot breakfast, Wi-Fi, and parking. The DGHCC also offers a Queen’s employee discount. For reservations and availability, visit Donald Gordon Hotel and Conference Centre .

Bed and breakfast establishments/short-term private rentals

Rates for B&B accommodation in Kingston vary, with summer being the most expensive. An extensive listing of Bed and Breakfast establishments in the Kingston area is available at Visit Kingston . Airbnb  offers rooms in private homes at reasonable rates; you contact the host directly to arrange a stay. Trip Advisor also offers vacation rentals which may be suitable for short-term stays.

Motels and hotels

Canadian University Hotel Rate Program (CAUBO)

Several local hotels participate in this program with reduced rates for those associated with Queen's University. Find rate information and how to book on the CAUBO website. Please note that some of the CAUBO rates are only available for university-related business travel.

Visit Kingston  provides information on a variety of accommodation options in Kingston.

Accommodation with Kitchenettes, Suites, and Furnished Apartments

Rates for efficiency units can vary greatly with the season, summer being the peak time. The establishments listed below offer rooms with kitchenettes/suites some are within walking distance of the main Queen's campus:

Other Accommodations and Information on Housing:

Sabbatical Homes helps academic communities worldwide to find or list houses or apartments for rent, exchange or house-sit when on sabbatical leave, research trip, exchange program, relocation or vacations. To search, select the type of arrangement you're looking for (i.e. rental, homes to sit, home exchange) and enter "Kingston" or "Queen's" as your keyword. You will likely need to register to use all the functions of the website. While you do not have to be an academic to use the site, Sabbatical Homes caters to the academic community so we recommend using your Queen's email address to demonstrate your academic affiliation. Visit the Getting Started section of their website for more information on eligibility.

Kijiji -free local on-line classifieds. Many reputable landlords advertise on this site, but be sure to read the caution before using the site.

Queen's Accommodation Listing Service offers a very broad selection of available accommodation of all types, including short-term. Please note that this site is mostly geared toward student accommodations.

Kingston's rental market is tight, with a very low vacancy rate. Available apartments are rented very quickly. The majority of Kingston property managers require one-year leases. Tips for a successful house hunt are available to new employees by contacting the Community Integration Liaison .

Expect to spend at least one full day in Kingston viewing units. It is best not to plan this for a weekend, as most of the major property management companies are closed. To make the most of your time, book viewings with the property management company or landlord prior to your arrival. If you require a place to stay during your visit, check our short-term accommodation suggestions.

Queen's Off Campus Living Advisor provides support for students in their accommodation search. The tips are geared to students, but many are applicable to everyone.

Where to look for listings

Some of the property management companies in Kingston include:

Kingston and Frontenac Housing Corporation offers affordable housing units for families, adults, and seniors in Kingston, Glenburnie, and Verona. The housing portfolio includes semi-detached, row housing, and apartment buildings ranging in size from studios to five bedroom units. 

Sabbatical Homes helps academic communities worldwide to find or list houses or apartments for rent, exchange or to house-sit. To search, enter "Kingston" and "Queen's" as your keyword. You will likely need to register to use all the functions of the website. While you do not have to be an academic to use the site, Sabbatical Homes caters to the academic community so we recommend using your Queen's email address to demonstrate your academic affiliation. Visit the Getting Started section of their website for more information on eligibility.

There is a local active Facebook page that posts rental properties in Kingston that can be helpful for leads and to get a sense of the rental market. It is administered by a local property manager and real estate agent. Visit Kingston ON Rental Properties for more information.

Kijiji -free on-line classifieds - click on "housing". Be sure to read the caution before using the site.

Queen's Accommodation Listing Service registers houses, apartments, and shared accommodation rentals. The site does not allow to filter for rentals specifically geared to non-students. You will have to look for clues in the description of the property - some landlords express their intention to rent to Queen's employees.

If you want to learn more about your rights as a tenant, check the Community Legal Education Ontario publications on topics like when rentals become available, moving in, moving out, and the law affecting your relationship with your landlord.

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation offers detailed information on resale homes and new construction. For profiles of individual neighbourhoods, visit Possible Made Here  which also includes a neighbourhood quiz and cost of living calculator. For detailed city maps, use the City of Kingston open data mapping system .

Step-by-step instructions for buying a home in Canada can be found on the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's website.

If you would like a referral to a real estate agent, please contact the Queen's Community Integration Liaison. Most agents will also provide a tour of Kingston neighbourhoods to help you in your housing search.

Browse housing listings in the Kingston area

Realtor.ca offers a comprehensive list of available houses.

Point2 Homes is another option offering Kingston listings.

Mortgages for international employees

If you are moving to Canada from abroad you will find that lenders require a Canadian credit rating before they will grant a mortgage. If this situation applies to you, please contact the Community Integration Liaison for a referral to a mortgage lender who has special knowledge of this issue.