Ontario invests in research and innovation
Rethinking our approach to tackling plastic waste
What can genomics teach us about the breakdown of plastic?
Embracing a new world of research
With the world turned upside down by the pandemic, academics and research teams have had to adapt to a mainly online world. The Faculty of Arts and Science Child and Adolescent Development Group was no different.
Supporting big research ideas
Funding new frontiers in research
The earth-moon System, a key for life on earth?
A new research project at Queen’s University is working to better our understanding of the earth’s formation, evolution, and future with a particular focus on the importance of the moon.
Designing Canada’s neurotech future
As new technologies develop, designing them for human benefit can be a complex challenge. Neurotechnology, considered any tool used to measure, intervene on, or artificially stimulate brain function, is an emerging technology with extensive potential societal impact.
Polar bears: A sentinel of Arctic environmental change
Queen’s University researchers and partners are monitoring the health and movements of polar bears in an innovative approach to studying climate change in the Arctic.