Queen’s School of Policy Studies welcoming new expertise

The Queen’s University School of Policy Studies recently announced Hugh Segal has been appointed Chair of the School of Policy Studies External Advisory Board and the Donald Matthews Faculty Fellow in Global Public Policy.

In a second announcement, the School of Public Studies announced William Bromm as the Executive-in-Residence, effective until September 2020.

Segal, the fifth head of Massey College at the University of Toronto, where he is a Senior Fellow, is a former chair of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, and the Special Senate Committee on Anti-Terrorism. He has also served as Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Associate Cabinet Secretary for Federal-Provincial Relations in Ontario under Premier Bill Davis, and as president of the Institute for Research on Public Policy. He was awarded an honorary degree at Queen’s University in 2018.

“The School of Policy Studies is very pleased to welcome the Honourable Hugh Segal back to Queen’s,” says Warren Mabee, Associate Dean and Director (Policy Studies). “He brings expertise in all aspects of policy development and analysis to the school and will be a tremendous resource for our students and faculty as the school evolves over the next few years. We are delighted that Mr. Segal is joining us and look forward to working closely with him to implement an exciting new agenda within the school.”

Segal’s public policy focus for many years has been reforming income security in Canada with a basic income guarantee. He has written seven books on public policy and holds honorary doctorates from the University of Ottawa and the Royal Military College. He is an Honorary Captain of the Royal Canadian Navy, and, most recently, served as Canada's Special Envoy. Segal was a member of the Eminent Persons Group dealing with human rights and rule of law in Commonwealth countries and recently wrote the proposal published by Ontario for a pilot project on a basic income.

He is also Senior Advisor at the law firm of Aird and B Ellis, LLP.

The School of Policy Studies also welcomes Bromm to his new role of Executive-in-Residence. Currently serving as the Senior Director and General Counsel at the Office of the Secretary of the Cabinet for the Government of Ontario, Bromm brings a wealth of knowledge of government operations and the interactions between the executive and legislative branches of government to Queen’s.

“He will be a tremendous asset to the university, the School of Policy Studies, and, most importantly, our students,” says Dr. Mabee. “We look forward to working closely with Mr. Bromm in his new role here at the university and are grateful for the opportunity that his presence brings to research and teaching at Queen’s.”

For more information, visit the School of Policy Studies website.

Note: This article orginally appeared in the Queen's Gazette.