Faculty of Arts and Science Stands in solidarity
The Faculty of Arts and Science stands in solidarity with the statement made by the Queen’s University Human Rights and Equity Office (HREO) regarding the horrific killing of four members, and the severe injury of one member, of a Muslim family in London, Ontario, on June 06, 2021.
In the statement, HREO says it “is in solidarity and grieves with the Queen’s, Kingston, and Ontario Muslim community. We echo the urgent calls for action to eliminate all forms of hate and discrimination, including Islamophobia, racism and xenophobia.”
“As violence and hate incidents escalate in our communities, the HREO remains committed to continue fulfilling our mandate to advance a culture of human rights, equity and inclusion, where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.”
For all community members affected by this terrible attack, the following resources are available:
- Human Rights Advisory Services: hrights@queensu.ca
- Student Wellness Services: https://www.queensu.ca/studentwellness/
- Yellow House: yellowhouse@queensu.ca
- Employee and Family Assistance Program: 1-877-789-7572
- National Council of Canadian Muslims: info@nccm.ca