Information and Resources for Students with Disabilities
Queen's University has a wide diversity of students, each from different educational backgrounds, language, culture and ability. Queen's University is committed to building a campus community that is inclusive for all individuals, and ensuring that its services, supports and spaces are accessible for persons with disabilities.
Need academic accommodations?
Whether you are planning to come to Queen's as a new or returning student there are many services, supports, and resources for students with disabilities. Sometimes, as a student with a disability, it can be difficult to know where to go or who to ask for assistance. Quite often the first step may be registering with the Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS).
QSASAre you thinking of applying or are you applying to Queen's? Have you accepted an offer or already here at Queen's?
As a new student you will be facing many challenges and changes at the beginning of your university life. The Accessibility Hub has gathered information on supports and services to make this transition a little easier.
If you believe you may require academic accommodations, both new and returning students, on campus or distance students, should contact the Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS). The QSAS can assist to determine accommodations needed and connect you with those services, supports, and resources within the Queen's community.
High-school Students
Transition Programs from high-school to university
Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC) offers:
- On-line to Success which is primarily a web-based course developed by teams from Queen's University and Loyalist College. It was designed specifically to target and address areas that research has shown are problematic for students with learning disabilities as they make the transition to post-secondary education.
Other Resources for high-school students
RARC has developed a comprehensive resource guide for students transitioning to post-secondary education. This guide is meant as a starting point as you search for the best post-secondary institution for you.
- Provides students with disabilities the information needed to choose a post-secondary institution that best meets their needs.
- Outlines the services available, the key contact information, and the documentation requirements for each post-secondary institution in Ontario.
- Assists students in making an informed decision regarding their choice of post-secondary institution.

Visiting Campus
If you are planning to visit campus or take a tour to discover what Queen's can offer you, please go to the "for Visitors" section for more specific information.
First-year Queen's Students
Transitioning to a new town, school and new people can be challenging for most students. Many programs and services are available to ease that transition, provide social connections and offer ways to improve skills for the long-term.
Start-UP Transition Support Service for Students With Disabilities
Start-UP is a great opportunity for first year students who are registered with QSAS to receive individualized support on any aspect of their transition to university. The university learning environment can be very different from a high school environment and figuring out how you work best in this environment can at times be a process. When you meet with Gail (our Start-UP co-ordinator), she will help you figure out how to use your strengths to work through the aspects of the transition you are finding the most challenging in this new environment. You may have found that strategies related to studying, time management, advocacy, focus and concentration and organization that worked well in high school don't seem to work as well in university.
Information on Start-UpStudent Experience Office
QSuccess - A First Year Experience Program: Q Success is a transition program to help first year students develop knowledge, attitudes, and skills to support their personal and academic success at Queen's. Trained upper year peers and professional staff run a series of interactive sessions for small groups of about 25 first year students.
QSuccess websiteAdmissions
All students, those with and those without disabilities, must meet the same criteria for admission, and once admitted are assumed to be academically qualified to participate in the educational process of the University. Recent data indicate that 91% of students admitted to Queen's do in fact graduate, so the entrance criteria seem to be effectively selecting those who can succeed. This includes students with disabilities, although specific information about retention of students with disabilities is not yet available.
Queen's Undergraduate AdmissionAwards, Scholarships and Bursaries
Queen's University’s financial assistance consists of merit-based scholarships, need-based bursaries, and awards based on academic achievement. There is a range of financial assistance and services available to students with disabilities at Queen's. Students are strongly encouraged to contact the Student Awards Office for complete information.
Student Awards - Students with Disabilities
Queen’s University offers The Queen's General Bursary which is available to all students in all years of study who have a demonstrated financial need.
Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD)
For full-time and part-time students who:
- self-identify as having either a permanent or temporary disability,
- have disability-related educational costs for services or equipment that are not covered by another agency or service, and
- require these services/equipment to participate in postsecondary studies.
The ATF Bursaries for the Disabled
are awarded to students with disabilities who are registered with the Disability Services Office.
The Beatrice (Steuer) Cohen Award
- is awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to students in any faculty who are challenged with a physical disability. Preference will be given to students with an impaired mobility. Students must be registered with the Disability Services Office.
The Disabled Students’ Bursaries
- are awarded to students with disabilities based on financial need.
Rehab Therapy Society Sesquicentennial Bursary
- is awarded on the basis of financial need to undergraduate and/or graduate students in any faculty who are challenged with a physical disability.
Scotiabank Group Accessibility Bursaries
are awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any school or faculty who have a disability and who are enrolled in a minimum of one credit per term (40% course load). Students must be registered with Disability Services Office.
Joubin/Selig Scholarship
- established a Scholarship Award at the Toronto Community Foundation to provide financial assistance to post-secondary students in Ontario, with permanent physical (mobility) disabilities, who wish to pursue an education in their chosen field of study.
Do you have a newly diagnosed or newly acquired disability? Did you register with the Queen's Student Accessibility Service (QSAS) last year? Are you studying at Queen's but not on campus?
If you believe you may require academic accommodations, both new and returning students, on campus or distance students, should contact the Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS). The QSAS can assist to determine accommodations needed and connect you with those services, supports, and resources within the Queen's community.
Student Government - The Alma Mater Society (AMS)
The Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University (AMS) is Canada’s oldest undergraduate student government. Its constitution takes precedence over all other student societies and organizations to which its members may belong. The AMS was incorporated in 1969 as a non-profit organization without share capital. Undergraduates obtain membership upon paying the mandatory student activity fee along with their tuition.
AMS websiteSocial Issues Commission (SIC)
The Social Issues Commissioner’s position involves supporting committees, briefing and advising AMS Council on equity issues, holding workshops for the student body and AMS services, sitting on various University committees, advocating and lobbying for anti-oppression action with Queen’s Administration. They also maintain the SIC office and answer students’ questions.
Social Issues Commission websiteAwards, Scholarships and Bursaries
Queen's University’s financial assistance consists of merit-based scholarships, need-based bursaries, and awards based on academic achievement. There is a range of financial assistance and services available to students with disabilities at Queen's. Students are strongly encouraged to contact the Student Awards Office for complete information.
Student Awards - Students with Disabilities
Queen’s University offers The Queen's General Bursary which is available to all students in all years of study who have a demonstrated financial need.
Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD)
For full-time and part-time students who:
- self-identify as having either a permanent or temporary disability,
- have disability-related educational costs for services or equipment that are not covered by another agency or service, and
- require these services/equipment to participate in postsecondary studies.
The ATF Bursaries for the Disabled
are awarded to students with disabilities who are registered with the Disability Services Office.
The Beatrice (Steuer) Cohen Award
- is awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to students in any faculty who are challenged with a physical disability. Preference will be given to students with an impaired mobility. Students must be registered with the Disability Services Office.
The Disabled Students’ Bursaries
- are awarded to students with disabilities based on financial need.
Rehab Therapy Society Sesquicentennial Bursary
- is awarded on the basis of financial need to undergraduate and/or graduate students in any faculty who are challenged with a physical disability.
Scotiabank Group Accessibility Bursaries
are awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any school or faculty who have a disability and who are enrolled in a minimum of one credit per term (40% course load). Students must be registered with Disability Services Office.
Harold Arthur Cohen Bursary
- is awarded on the basis of financial need to an upper year student in any faculty or school who is challenged with a physical or perceptual disability. Preference will be given to students who have either a hearing or visual impairment. Students must be registered with Disability Services Office.
The AMS Accessibility Queen’s Bursary
- is for returning students with disabilities who are registered with the Disability Services Office, and who are not eligible for the OSAP Bursary for Students with Disabilities. Students may be referred through the Disability Services Office or apply directly through the Student Awards Office.
Joubin/Selig Scholarship
- established a Scholarship Award at the Toronto Community Foundation to provide financial assistance to post-secondary students in Ontario, with permanent physical (mobility) disabilities, who wish to pursue an education in their chosen field of study.
Do you have a newly diagnosed or newly acquired disability? Did you register with the Queen's Student Accessibility Service (QSAS) last year or with another school during your undergraduate studies? Are you studying at Queen's but not on campus?
Do you have a newly diagnosed or newly acquired disability? Did you require academic accommodations during your undergrad? If you believe you may require academic accommodations, both new and returning students, on campus or distance students, should contact the Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS). The QSAS can assist to determine accommodations needed and connect you with those services, supports, and resources within the Queen's community.
Workplace Accommodations
If you are a paid employee of the university during your studies (e.g. TA, research assistant, residence Don) and you believe you require workplace accommodations, please connect with Human Resources for more information.
Society of Graduate & Professional Students (SGPS)
If you are a graduate, law, consecutive education student, or an undergraduate medical student the SGPS is your student society. Your elected executive team and the staff of the SGPS work for you.
Your student organization represents and advocates for you on all levels of University administration and lobbies the federal, provincial, and municipal governments on issues crucial to the well being and success of graduate and professional students.
SGPS Peer Academic Advisors
The SGPS Peer Academic Advisors is a free and confidential service which provides advice, strategies for self-advocacy and referrals for academic issues to Graduate and Professional students at Queen’s University. Our Peer Academic Advisors are fellow Graduate and Professional students and they work to help you navigate many of the issues you may face while you are working towards your educational goals.
SGPS Peer Academic Advisors websiteAwards, Scholarships and Bursaries
Queen's University’s financial assistance consists of merit-based scholarships, need-based bursaries, and awards based on academic achievement. There is a range of financial assistance and services available to students with disabilities at Queen's. Students are strongly encouraged to contact the Student Awards Office for complete information.
Student Awards - Students with Disabilities
Queen’s University offers The Queen's General Bursary which is available to all students in all years of study who have a demonstrated financial need.
Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD)
For full-time and part-time students who:
- self-identify as having either a permanent or temporary disability,
- have disability-related educational costs for services or equipment that are not covered by another agency or service, and
- require these services/equipment to participate in postsecondary studies.
The ATF Bursaries for the Disabled
are awarded to students with disabilities who are registered with the Accessibility Services.
The Beatrice (Steuer) Cohen Award
- is awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to students in any faculty who are challenged with a physical disability. Preference will be given to students with an impaired mobility. Students must be registered with the Accessibility Services.
The Disabled Students’ Bursaries
- are awarded to students with disabilities based on financial need.
Rehab Therapy Society Sesquicentennial Bursary
- is awarded on the basis of financial need to undergraduate and/or graduate students in any faculty who are challenged with a physical disability.
Scotiabank Group Accessibility Bursaries
are awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any school or faculty who have a disability and who are enrolled in a minimum of one credit per term (40% course load). Students must be registered with Accessibility Services.
Harold Arthur Cohen Bursary
- is awarded on the basis of financial need to an upper year student in any faculty or school who is challenged with a physical or perceptual disability. Preference will be given to students who have either a hearing or visual impairment. Students must be registered with Accessibility Services.
Accessibility Fund through SGPS and DSO
- If you are a graduate, law, education or theology student at Queen's, the The Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) is your student society. Students who are registered with the Accessibility Services and are in need of funding to cover costs associated with specific academic accommodations may qualify for the SGPS accessibility bursary. Your Accessibility Advisor is responsible for contacting the SGPS on your behalf to request support from the bursary and verifying that the funds are being requested to cover costs associated with an academic accommodation. This bursary was created by the SGPS and is supported by student fees collected from graduate and professional students. This bursary is open only to SGPS students.
Joubin/Selig Scholarship
- established a Scholarship Award at the Toronto Community Foundation to provide financial assistance to post-secondary students in Ontario, with permanent physical (mobility) disabilities, who wish to pursue an education in their chosen field of study.
While all students must satisfy the essential requirements for courses and programs, the administration, faculty, staff, and students at Queen's are expected to provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodation may require members of the University community to exercise creativity and flexibility in responding to the needs of students with disabilities while maintaining academic standards.
Queen's Policy Concerning Students with Disabilities