
Administration of the election process

Information about the Non-Unionized Employee Trustee nomination process will be distributed to Non-Unionized Employees by the Ontario Association of Non-Unionized University Employees (OANUE) and made available on the OANUE website. Questions about the Non-Unionized Employee Trustee nomination process including the election of the Representatives should be submitted to OANUE.

The university administrations will provide sufficient cooperation for the nomination process and election of Representatives to be conducted. The election process will be administered by the University Secretariat at Queen’s University and the University of Guelph and by the Secretariat of the Governing Council at University of Toronto (together the “Secretariats”).

The election of the Representatives will be conducted by secret ballot with the winner determined by a simple majority of votes among the ballots cast. A tie shall be broken by lot.

In the case that there is only one person nominated as a Representative at a particular university, that person may be acclaimed as the Representative for that university by way of a yes or no vote.