Policy Advisory Subcommittee

Terms of Reference


The Policy Advisory Subcommittee (PASC) is a subcommittee created by, and advisory to, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). PASC has an advisory and coordinating role regarding the development of administrative policies and procedures, but not a decision-making role. It does not have the authority to approve a policy, nor to allocate resources. Subject to this paragraph, all policies and procedures that have application across more than one Faculty, School, or administrative unit, and/or apply to the university as a whole must be reviewed by PASC prior to submission for approval by the appropriate final approval body. Policies or procedures that originate with the standing or ad hoc committees of either the Board of Trustees, the Senate, Faculty Boards, or Executive Councils of Schools are not required to be reviewed by PASC before final approval. Such bodies are, however, able to request PASC review if deemed useful in the view of that committee or its respective senior approval body.

PASC provides detailed feedback on, and review of, policy initiatives under the University’s Accessibility Framework.


To ensure consistency and coordination in the development, approval and administration of all University Policies.


To receive proposals for University Policy from SLT or from other members of the University community and to make recommendations to SLT on whether a new University policy is needed (or whether the purpose can be achieved by modifying or clarifying an existing policy, or through guidelines or procedures). University Policy is defined as policy which has application across more than one Faculty, School or multiple administrative units and/ or applies to the University, as a whole. Policies or procedures which have application only within one operational area do not fall within the purview of PASC.

To advise proponents of policy and interested members of the community on policy approval process and requirements. Where a new policy is being recommended for development, to provide a template, advice about consultation (including advice about the need for legal review), and identify the appropriate approval path.  In particular, implications of any policy for students, both undergraduate and graduate, should be carefully considered and the consultation process for each policy designed with this in mind. The Provost or their delegate will be primarily responsible for raising possible implications for students arising from any policy proposal and the Committee, as a whole, will be mindful of the possible impacts of any proposed policy on students.

To assist SLT, as required, in an evaluation of the implications of proposed policies, including potential risks, costs, and infrastructure requirements and their consistency with the University’s Accessibility Framework.

To assess polices under development and review in light of legislation, collective agreements and, in particular, the University's obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC).

Once a draft policy is received, to review the process of consultation and the implementation and communication plan, and to make a recommendation to SLT for initial approval, either by SLT itself, or in the case of policies or procedures proposed by the administration, by the Board or the Senate as the subject matter relates to their respective jurisdictions.

To undertake periodic reviews of existing policies, identifying anachronisms, gaps and overlaps, and monitoring the effectiveness of the institution's ongoing administration of its policies.


PASC will ensure regular review of the Policy on Creating, Reviewing, and Administering University Policy as well as the templates used for policy writing.

PASC will ensure the establishment and ongoing maintenance of a definitive repository of university policy and will propose a process for overseeing a systematic review of university policies.

All policies shall have an identified position which is responsible for that the policy and which will conduct regular reviews of the policy.

PASC will have responsibility for advising on policy initiatives that support the University’s Accessibility Framework.


One representative from each of: Advancement, Financial Services, Human Resources, Labour Relations, Faculty Relations, Marketing and Communications, Human Rights and Equity, Office of Indigenous Initiatives, University Counsel, VP Research or delegate, Provost or delegate, Principal delegate, Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs or delegate, AMS Vice President (University Affairs), SGPS Vice President, Professional, 1 faculty member selected by the Provost after consultation with the Deans, 1 SLT Member – Committee Chair, Ombudsperson to be advisory to the committee

A Secretary assigned by the Chair will provide executive support.

 Current Membership
Member Position Term End
R. Coupland  University Secretary and Chair Ex Officio
A. Martineau Secretary Ex Officio
D. Bennett Office of Advancement Ex Officio
C. McLeod Financial Services Ex Officio
M. Morrison Human Resources Ex Officio
L. Walsh Labour Relations Ex Officio
D. McKeown Faculty Relations Ex Officio
P. Jeffrey Marketing and Communications Ex Officio
H. Penning Human Rights and Equity Offices Ex Officio
M. Underwood Office of Indigenous Initiatives Ex Officio
M. Seal University Counsel delegate Ex Officio
K. Blair-Matuk VP Research delegate Ex Officio
D. Clements Provost delegate Ex Officio
K. Bearse Principal delegate Ex Officio
L. Wales Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs delegate Ex Officio
S. Garabedian AMS Representative April 2025
S. Sharma SGPS Representative April 2025
M. Shannon Faculty Member August 2027
J. Choi Internal Audit Advisory
N. Barrett Ombudsperson Advisory