Student Guide to Registration

Whether you are new to Queen's, or are a returning student, your academic year begins with your registration.

In order to help you better understand and plan your study year, we have provided a step-by-step breakdown of the process, along with other information that you may find helpful along the way.  

For a glossary of terms related to registration, check out our Glossary of Registrar Terms page.


Summer 2025

Summer 2025 registration information for Faculty of Education students can be found in the following dropdown: 

Coming Soon


2024-25 Academic Year Fall/Winter

Find your step-by-step registration instructions below.

Step 1: Getting Started

All Students

Mark your calendar with important dates. There are many important dates throughout the academic year that you should make note of, such as registration dates and tuition & fees due dates. In addition, each faculty and school will have their own Sessional Dates which includes deadline dates for adding and dropping courses.


Your NetID is your passport to student online services at Queen’s, such as: your student email, your SOLUS Student Centre, and onQ. Without it, you will be unable to access these services, so setting up your NetID is the first step.

  • If you do not yet have a Queen’s NetID and password, activate one now
  • Your NetID and personal password will be the same for SOLUS, email, and all services requiring you to log on. You should never give out your NetID and password

Queen's Email

In order to ensure that your information remains private and is secure, the university will only use your email account to communicate with you, so be sure to use this email account when contacting us and to check it on a regular basis. In addition, always include your student number in all communications.
Find information on setting up your email.

MyQueensU Portal

The MyQueensU Portal functions as a personal ‘home page’ for students. After logging into the Portal with your NetID and password, you will be able to access your Queen’s email account and enter the SOLUS Student Centre. You will also be able to access the Message Centre, where important notices will be posted. Go to your MyQueensU Portal.

SOLUS Student Centre

The SOLUS Student Centre is the place where you will find everything relating to your student academic and financial record at Queen’s.

For tutorials on how to use SOLUS and a summary of the information you will find there, check out the SOLUS Help section of our website.

* Students also employed as staff at Queen’s (including graduate students employed as teaching assistants) will access SOLUS from the 'My Applications' tab and the Student/HR Admin link.

Banking Information

Do we have your banking information? You can update your information in the SOLUS Student Centre in the Finances section. Your Canadian banking information permits Queen’s to, when appropriate, process refunds directly into your bank account.

Please remember that:

  • Queen’s will not deduct payments directly from your bank account. You must make payments using one of the options listed on our how to pay page
  • Awards administered by the Financial Aid and Awards Office will be deposited to your student account, not your personal bank account. Award payments will be held in your student account to be applied to all current and future due university charges (e.g. fall term tuition, fees, residence, winter term tuition). How Queen’s Financial Aid is Paid

Access to your Personal Information on SOLUS

If you would like the university to release financial and/or academic information to an individual (including a parent, or to an agency external to the university) you must complete an authorization through your SOLUS Student Centre. This authorization will stay in effect until you choose to cancel it.

As you manage your personal information on SOLUS, please be aware that the collection and use of this information by Queen’s is governed both by law (the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, or FIPPA) and by the policies approved by the University Senate.

Update and Review Contact Information/Code of Conduct

Staying connected is now more important than ever, and we want to be able to reach out to you when it comes to giving you timely information on your studies, your student finances, providing you support services, or contacting designated people in the event of an emergency.

We ask that you take the time to complete these important steps to ensure we stay connected throughout your time with us, such as updating:

By completing these steps, you are helping us provide services and support to you as you embark on this new chapter in your academic career. 


Faculty/School Contact Information
Arts and Science


Continuing and Teacher Education 


Smith Engineering


School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs


Health Sciences

(613) 533-2566 







Smith School of Business


When planning your courses or reviewing your timetable for instructional spaces, use the Queen’s campus online map. 

Specific Student Groups

Help Strengthen the Indigenous Presence at Queen’s

Why Self-Identify? 

Students with Indigenous ancestry applying to or attending Queen’s University have the option to self-identify. Reasons a student may wish to identify include:

•    Standing proud! Strengthen the Indigenous presence at Queen’s!
•    Learn more about their culture and/or connect with the growing Indigenous community at Queen’s
•    Engage with and become a part of the Indigenous community at Queen’s

For more information and FAQs.

Identity Verification

Students wishing to access financial awards, programs, and admission under Indigenous student-specific pathways (e.g. the Indigenous Admissions Pathway program), are required to submit documentation demonstrating their connection to a recognized Indigenous community as listed under Queen’s University’s Indigenous Identity Verification policies. The Indigenous Students Verification Policy was approved by the Queen’s University Senate on September 11, 2021. 

More information on the documentation required.


Citizenship and Fees

International students are defined as non-Canadian students who do not have "permanent resident" status and have had to obtain the authorization of the Canadian government to enter Canada with the intention of pursuing an education.

International students are charged the international fee, though some exemptions may apply. Learn more about the international fee, exemption categories, and what to do if your status changes.

University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)

The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is a mandatory primary health insurance plan for all international students and their dependents who will be residing in Ontario for more than 3 weeks.

For more information about UHIP, click here

Step 2: Government Student Financial Aid

Apply for Financial Aid  

Your OSAP or other provincial/territorial student government assistance application should be submitted early to ensure funding is available by September. 

Check out our Financial Aid Overview for information and resources to help fund your education.

Available Aid: 

Step 3: Selecting your Courses

For undergraduate and professional students:

  • Students with outstanding debt are not permitted to enroll in courses. Ensure any outstanding debt on your SOLUS financial account is paid by June 15 to avoid issues.
  • The Office of the University Registrar can assist you with registration and payment questions at
  • Course specific questions should be directed to the department facilitating the course 

Your shopping cart opens on July 15. This is also when you will see your enrolment appointment time.

  • You cannot enroll in courses until your Enrolment Appointment begins, but you can log on to SOLUS and start adding courses to your Shopping Cart to plan out your schedule 
  • Pro Tip: Click the validate button to ensure you have met the course prerequisites 
  • Your Enrolment Appointment is your specific time to enroll in your courses. During your enrolment appointment some courses will have restrictions to ensure students who need certain courses to complete their degree program receive priority 

When your Enrolment Appointment time begins, access the SOLUS Student Centre to enroll in your classes. Provided there is space available in the classes you have selected, you will be able to enroll in those classes.

Your first enrolment appointment will end at 11:30 pm EST on July 29. Registration will re-open at 8 am on July 31. At this time, most enrolment restrictions will be removed. (Note: Some online classes may still have enrolment restrictions).

This registration period will end at 11:59 pm EST on August 4.

View Your Enrolment Appointment on SOLUS

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre 
  2. Select the Manage Classes tile 
  3. Select the Enrolment Dates navigation 
  4. Select the term for which you want to enrol 
  5. Select Continue 
  6. Look under Enrolment Appointments to see the date and time when the appointment begins and ends
  7. When finished, select the SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page 

You will have another opportunity to make changes to your schedule beginning August 19, during the open enrolment period, where you can add, drop, or swap courses. At this time, enrolment restrictions will be removed from most courses. 

  • Some online courses may still have enrolment restrictions

The Open Enrolment period opens at 12 am EST on August 19. Exception: the open enrolment period for Law and SGSPA students begins at 12 am EST on August 12. 

NOTE:  You will not be permitted to add or swap classes unless you have paid your fall tuition and Student Assistance Levy by September  1.

Program  Automatically Added  Student Chosen Courses
Commerce All Years N/A 
Education  All Years  N/A
Music  Year 1 All Years 
Nursing  All Years  Years 2 to 4 
Physical Education /Kinesiology  Years 1 and 2  All Years 
Smith Engineering  All Years  Years 2 to 5 
Law  Year 1 All Years*
Medicine  All Years  N/A
Arts and Science  N/A All Years 
Health Science  N/A All Years 
Life Science  Year 1, 2 Year 3, 4











*New incoming upper-year Law students will select courses and be enrolled manually with the assistance of the JD Program Coordinator, Margaret Gordon, at 

Students must be enrolled in at least one course in all three (3) terms in order to avoid delays in fee assessment and/or award payments.

  • Graduate courses are normally chosen after consultation with your supervisor and/or department graduate coordinator
  • Contact your department’s Graduate Assistant to talk about your course selection

Continuing students: Please note that you will automatically be enrolled into your thesis course if there are no outstanding debts on your account.

Course Selection SOLUS Tutorials

Academic Progress Report

Academic Progress can be viewed using the Academic Progress report in SOLUS.  This will show progress towards your current program requirements.

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre 
  2. Select the Academic Progress tile
  3. Select the Academic Progress navigation
  4. Review details including total units completed and overall progress towards program requirements
  5. Select the SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Academic Progress Report - Access


Academic Progress Report - Interpretation


What-If Report


The What-If Report shows how courses completed, planned, and/or in progress would apply towards the requirements of a different program. 

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre 
  2. Select the Academic Progress tile
  3. Select the What-If Report navigation
  4. Select Create New Report
  5. Note: The information that appears on the Create What-if Scenario page by default is your current academic information
  6. Use the fields on the page to set up a what-if scenario based on up to three programs of study. Under Program Scenario, select options from the following drop-down menus:
    • Career
    • Academic Program
    • Academic Plan
    • Academic Sub-Plan (optional)
  7. Optional: Select Browse Course Catalog to select courses for inclusion in the course what-if scenario
  8. Select Submit Request link to generate your What-if Report
  9. Optional: Select View Report as PDF to download the report as a PDF.  Note: Ensure the web browser allows pop-ups 
  10. Select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Adding Classes to Your Shopping Cart in SOLUS


  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre
  2. Select the Manage Classes tile
  3. Select the Class Search and Enroll navigation
  4. Select a term
  5. Find classes using one of the following methods:
    1. Enter keywords under Search For Classes, such as:
      1. Exact course codes (e.g., ‘HIST 349’)
      2. Generic keyword(s) (e.g., ‘history’) to return every course that includes that word in the title/description/requisites/etc.
    2. Select Additional ways to search to search by one or more of the following:
      1. Available Subjects (E.g., ‘History’)
      2. Catalog Number
      3. Instructor Last Name
    3. Recently Viewed
  6. Optional: use filters on the left of search results as necessary
  7. Select a class from the search results
  8. Optional: Select the hyperlink under class (e.g.: Lecture - 3325) to view more information about the class
  9. Select a class option
  10. Optional: Select the hyperlink under class (e.g.: Lecture - 3325) to view more information about the class
  11. Review your class selection and select Next
  12. (Students in multiple programs only): Select a program to which the class will apply
  13. Optional: Turn the Add to waitlist if class is full button to Yes if appropriate (note: some classes do not offer a waitlist)
  14. Select Accept
  15. Select the Add to Cart radio button then select Next
  16. Review your selection then select Submit   
  17. Select Yes on the ‘Are you sure you want to submit?’ pop-up
  18. Review the Confirmation screen for any error messages
  19. Select Return to Keyword Search Page to add more classes to the Shopping Cart, or select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Enrol in Your Classes from your Shopping Cart

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre
  2. Select the Manage Classes tile
  3. Select the Shopping Cart navigation
  4. Select one or more classes from shopping cart for enrollment by selecting the relevant check boxes
  5. Select Enroll
  6. Select Yes on the ‘Are you sure you want to submit?’ pop-up
  7. Review the Confirmation screen for any error messages
  8. Select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Enrol in Classes from Class Search and Enrol

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre
  2. Select the Manage Classes tile
  3. Select the Class Search and Enroll navigation
  4. Select a term
  5. Find classes using one of the following methods:
    1. Enter keywords under Search For Classes, such as:
      1. Exact course codes (e.g., ‘HIST 349’)
      2. Generic keyword(s) (e.g., ‘history’) to return every course that includes that word in the title/description/requisites/etc.
    2. Select Additional ways to search to search by one or more of the following:
      1. Available Subjects (E.g., ‘History’)
      2. Catalog Number
      3. Instructor Last Name
    3. Recently Viewed
  6. Optional: use filters on the left of search results as necessary
  7. Select a class from the search results
  8. Optional: Select the hyperlink under class (e.g.: Lecture - 3325) to view more information about the class
  9. Select a class option
  10. Optional: Select the hyperlink under class (e.g.: Lecture - 3325) to view more information about the class
  11. Review your class selection and select Next
  12. (Students in multiple programs only): Select a program to which the class will apply
  13. Optional: Turn the Add to waitlist if class is full button to Yes if appropriate (note: some classes do not offer a waitlist)
  14. Select Accept
  15. Select the Enroll radio button then select Next
  16. Review your selection then select Submit
  17. Select Yes on the ‘Are you sure you want to submit?’ pop-up
  18. Review the Confirmation screen for any error messages
  19. Select Return to Keyword Search Page to enroll into more classes, or select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

If you drop a course, you may receive a refund based on how far into the term you are. Check the drop date schedule.

Dropping Classes in SOLUS

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre 
  2. Select the Manage Classes tile
  3. Select the Drop Classes navigation
  4. Select one or more classes to drop by selecting the relevant check boxes
  5. Select Next
  6. Review selection and select Drop Classes
  7. Select Yes on the 'Confirm that the following class(es) are to be dropped' pop-up
  8. Review the Confirmation screen for any error messages
  9. Select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Update Classes

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre   
  2. Select the Manage Classes tile 
  3. Select the Update Classes navigation
    • Note: Please make sure all instructions are read prior to proceeding with editing classes   
    • Optional: View details of class by selecting links under the “Class” column   
  4. Choose a class to update by selecting the arrow beside the “Status” column 
  5. Step 1: Alternative Class Option: View list of alternative class options and details. Select alternative class of interest by selecting checkbox beside “Class” column  
    • Note: Alternative Class Options will only appear if alternative options are available
    • Optional: View further details of classes by selecting links under the “Class” column   
  6. Select the Next button 
  7. Step 2: Class Preferences: View class preference and option to be added to the waitlist if the preferred alternative class is full
    • Optional: Select information icon for more details on waitlists
  8. Select the Accept button
  9. Step 3: Review and Submit: Review class update request, taking note of the currently enrolled class and replacement class details. 
  10. Select the Submit button
  11. Select Yes on the confirmation pop-up
  12. Review the Confirmation screen for any error messages
  13. Select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Swap Classes

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre  
  2. Select the Manage Classes tile 
  3. Select the Swap Classes navigation
    • Note: Please make sure all instructions are read prior to proceeding
  4. Under the "Swap This Class" section, select the class you want to swap from the drop-down
  5. Under the "With This Class" section, select a new class using one of the available options:
    • Search for Classes
    • Select from Shopping Cart
    • Enter Class Number
  6. Select the Search button
  7. Search for Classes: if you selected this option in step 5, you will be able to search for classes being offered in the same term
  8. Review the "Confirm Class Swap" page to ensure all details are accurate
  9. Select Submit
  10. Select Yes on the "Are you sure you want to submit?" pop-up
  11. Review the Confirmation screen for any error messages
  12. Select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Class Schedule

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre 
  2. Select the Manage Classes tile 
  3. Select the View My Classes navigation 
  4. Use options on the page to filter as necessary: 
    • Select By Class or By Date to view the corresponding information 
    • Checkboxes at top to filter Enrolled, Waitlisted, and/or Dropped classes 
  5. Optional: Select Enrolment Deadlines to view deadline date 
  6. Optional: Select Printable Page to render the class schedule in an easily-printable format 
  7. When finished, select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page    

Course History

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre   
  2. Select the Academic Records tile 
  3. Select the Course History navigation 
  4. View details for each courses, including: 
    • Class 
    • Description  
    • Term 
    • Grade  
    • Unit 
    • Status 
  5. Optional: Select a class to view Class Information (for Taken, and In Progress courses) 
  6. Optional: Select the Filter icon to filter by course status (Taken, In Progress, Transferred, Planned) 
  7. When finished viewing Course History, select the SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Transfer Credit Report

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre    
  2. Select the Academic Records tile 
  3. Select  the View Transfer Credit Report navigation. The screen will show you all transfer credits that you have received, including:
    • Source Institution
    • Transfer Term
    • Incoming Course
    • Status
    • Equivalent Course
    • Units
    • Grade
  4. When finished viewing the Transfer Credit Report, select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page

Step 4: Payment of Tuition and Student Assistance Levy (SAL) 

Tuition and the Student Assistance Levy will be applied to your account and visible in SOLUS by August 4. During the Open Enrollment period, your tuition and fees will adjust within 24 hours of any changes made to your course enrolments. 

NOTE: Queen’s will not send invoices or reminders for outstanding amounts. It is your responsibility to check your account regularly to ensure that your tuition and fees are correct and paid by the published dues dates. 

More information on how to pay here. 

Step 5: Student Card and Validation 

The final step of registration is to ensure you have your validated Student Card (new students) and for returning students to have your current card validated. You will keep your card for the duration of your degree program at Queen’s and will have it validated each September. 

More information on your student card