Provost and Deans Committee

Terms of Reference

1. Purpose

The Provost and Deans Committee meets regularly to share information and discuss academic and academic-related matters of strategic or operational importance to the university or multiple units or faculties. The committee is advisory to the Provost on university business. It provides a forum for two-way communication between the Provost, Deans and Vice-Provosts.

2. Authority

The committee provides advice to the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) and makes recommendations on academic and academic-related matters. Discussion items may be brought forward by any committee member. 

3. Function

The Provost and Deans meeting is the primary forum for communication between the Deans, Vice-Provosts, and Provost and serves to facilitate collaboration within this group.    

The Provost will provide information to the Deans about developments in the university and will be open to feedback.

Members will be expected to disseminate information from this meeting to their faculties, schools and other units (except on confidential matters) and to express faculty issues and concerns to the meeting.

Open discussion is encouraged.

4. Membership

The committee is chaired by the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic). 

Membership includes:

  • Faculty Deans
  • Vice-Provosts
  • Deputy Provost

It is supported by the Executive Director, Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Secretary)



M. Asberg

Vice-Provost and University Librarian

W. Costen

Dean, Smith School of Business

B. Crow 

Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science

K. Deluzio

Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

S. den Otter

Vice-Provost (Global Engagement)

M. Evans

Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) (Chair)

C.M. Flood

Dean, Faculty of Law

R. Luce-Kapler

Dean, Faculty of Education

J. Philpott

Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences

F. Quadir

Vice-Provost and Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

T. Shearer

Deputy Provost

L. Stewart

Executive Director, Office of the Provost (Secretary)

A. Tierney

Vice-Provost and Dean, Student Affairs

G. Watson

Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning)

Members may delegate to another when unable to attend, but delegates should ensure they later brief the delegator. Guests may be invited to share information or discuss items of interest to the committee.

All attendees should be aware that confidential matters may be discussed and must be willing to accept that such matters cannot be disseminated.

5. Meetings

The Provost’s Office will organize monthly meetings and distribute the agenda the week prior to the meeting. The Secretary will circulate draft meeting notes capturing decisions and action items a few days after the meeting. 

Meeting notes will be reviewed by the committee at the next meeting and a redacted version posted on the Provost’s Office website once approved.      

2023-24 Meeting Dates