Research Goods/Services over $121,200

According to the Agreement on Internal Trade and the Ontario BPS Procurement Directive, the procurement of all Research goods/services valued at greater than $121,200 (including in kind contributions but not including taxes) must be publicly tendered. This creates an open, fair and transparent competitive process ensuring the University obtains goods/services at the best possible value.

See the Queen's Public Tendering Opportunities Page for more Information on current, past and upcoming public tenders.

  • Contact SPS as soon as possible in order to ensure a reasonable period of time is allowed (based on the size and complexity of the CFI project) to meet all project deadlines. An SPS staff member will work with the Researcher to develop the specifications and deliverables required for the specific good/service. An RFx document will be created by SPS and will be approved by the Researcher and Director, SPS.
  • An evaluation matrix corresponding to the specifications and deliverables will also be created for the pre-determined Evaluation Team to use to score each of the submitted bids. Each member of the evaluation Team will sign a confidentiality/conflict of interest statement.
  • SPS will post the RFQ/RFP on an electronic tendering website ( for the Supplier community at large for a minimum of 25 calendar days.  All communication with proponents is routed through the SPS staff member.
  • Once the RFQ or RFP closes, the SPS Sourcing Specialist reviews all proposals received to ensure commercial compliance with the mandatory requirements of the bid document. The responses must be submitted in the requested CFI format on the University form or they will be considered to be non-compliant.
  • The Sourcing Specialist forwards responses to the PI (and Evaluation Team, if applicable) for review.
  • The evaluators must use the Evaluation Matrix consistently in evaluating all responses received. The Sourcing Specialist will facilitate any clarification that is required for the bid responses.
  • Completed Evaluation Matrices are returned to the Sourcing Specialist, the winning proponent is awarded based on the highest scores awarded by the Evaluation Team.
  • The successful proponent is contacted and agreement negotiations begin. Unsuccessful vendors are also notified.
  • Once terms and conditions of the agreement are accepted by Queen’s and the successful proponent the agreement is signed by authorized personnel representing both parties. For Queen’s, this is determined by the Queen’s Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Invoices, Section E (Research) based on the dollar value of the agreement.
  • With a signed agreement in hand a requisition can be entered by the Research Department. If the Proponent is not in the acQuire vendor database then a ADD New Supplier form available from the acQuire homepage, will need to be completed so that a requisition can be entered.