Effective May 2017, Queen’s University has implemented an eProcurement system, acQuire - an efficient and eco-friendly alternative to manual, paper-based procurement and payment processes, replacing the purchasing module previously utilized in PeopleSoft. acQuire offers staff and faculty an integrated marketplace for all procurement activities, including departmental goods and service shopping, interdepartmental requests and invoice remittances
All active Queen’s employees have access to acQuire as Shoppers. Requester and Approver roles are available in the system however require training and departmental authorization. Further information and training documents.
The following activities can be completed in acQuire:
- Catalogue Purchase Requisition – for quick shop/ship items with our Preferred Suppliers
- Non-Catalogue Purchase Requisition
- Change Order Request for acQuire Purchase Orders (change, cancel or close POs)
- Payment Request Form – pay a non-PO under $25k CAD invoice
- One Time Payment Form (Pay Supplier One Time) – pay a non-PO under $10k CAD invoice
- Research Fund Transfer Form – Research Fund Transfer through TRAQ
- Research Payment Form - Research payments per Section D
- Honorarium Payment Form (Pay a Non-Employee Honorarium) – staff/faculty related honorarium payments remain placed through HR
- Physician Payment Forms
- Credit Card Application/Change Forms
- Sourcing support requests
- Request non-research signing authority additions/edits/revocations
- Adding or updating suppliers
To access acQuire via Queen's NetID and password, login into the Queen’s U Portal and access acQuire under the "Finance Applications" section. A direct link to login is here.
What are the major benefits of acQuire?
- Single Sign-On, eliminating the need for multiple usernames and passwords for different supplier website logins
- Allowing shoppers to place orders to multiple suppliers from one cart, but only having to check out once
- Making it easier for shoppers to find, compare and make their selection of products from suppliers
- Reducing the wait time between placing an order and having it filled by the supplier
- Fast, electronic communication with suppliers
- Effective reporting capabilities that will help Queen’s identify potential savings
- Better visibility into both procurement and payment processes
- One hub for all your procurement needs
How do you start using acQuire?
All active Queen's employees are Shoppers in acQuire. Log into acQuire through the MyQueen'sU portal under "Finance Applications." If you are a student or Queen’s affiliated group member, requesting an acQuire profile can be done through the online acQuire Access/Help Form.
How do you get acQuire training?
Yes, acQuire training courses and guides are available.
Email acquire@queensu.ca
acQuire Privacy Notice