Buying Thresholds
Value | Procurement Method |
Up to $24,999.99 | Procured through acQuire catalogue or on Queen's Procurement Card. Note, this excludes consulting services and CFI Orders. |
$25,000-$74,999.99 | Two (2) invitational quotations are mandatory for purchases of goods and or non-consulting (“professional”) services over $10,000 and under $50,000. Purchases must be processed using a duly authorized Purchase Order. |
$75,000-$121,999.99 | Three (3) invitational quotations are mandatory for purchases of goods or non-consulting (‘professional’) services over $50,000. Purchases must be processed using a duly authorized Purchase Order. |
$121,200 and greater* | Open Competitive (RFP, RFSQ) process is mandatory. Contact Strategic Procurement Services for assistance. |
*All purchases with a value greater than $121,200 CAD must be publicly tendered as outlined in the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Directive and the Federal trade treaties. Queen’s utilizes a negotiated request for proposal (NRFP) for our public procurement processes. It is important to factor in the time it will take to run an RFP process when initially considering the purchase of goods and service or when developing a project plan.