I-CREAte Projects

Engaging Families to Build Healthy Communities – Winter 2022 to Winter 2024 [COMPLETED]

Engaging Families to Build Healthy Communities focuses on family and community resilience in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.  Specifically, this study explored what factors families think helped and continue to help them build resilience, which factors hinder their resilience, and what solutions they imagine may improve the resilience and well-being of families like themselves.

Engager les familles pour bâtir des communautés saines - Hiver 2022 au Hiver 2024 [COMPLÉTÉ]

Engager les familles pour bâtir des communautés saines se concentre sur la résilience des familles et des communautés dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 et au-delà. Plus précisément, cette étude a exploré les facteurs que les familles pensent avoir aidés et continuent de les aider à renforcer leur résilience, les facteurs qui entravent leur résilience et les solutions qu'elles imaginent susceptibles d'améliorer la résilience et le bien-être des familles comme elles. 

Project funded by / Projet financé par:  SSHRC logo


Walking Together: a community-academic co-design approach to implementing an Indigenous patient navigator in primary care – Spring 2024 to Spring 2026

Walking Together uses co-design and community based participatory action research with a team that includes Indigenous researchers and an Indigenous Oversight Circle. The team will design, implement and evaluate an Indigenous patient navigator role in primary care to improve cultural safety and patients' experiences for Indigenous primary care patients.

Co-design for this project involves two steps. Step 1 involves 'key informant interviews' following a rigorous literature review on Indigenous Patient Navigation in primary care and Indigenous self-identification in health care. Step 2 involves 'Sharing Circles' (focus group interviews) with the urban Indigenous community in Kingston to identify unmet needs, qualities, values and priorities for an Indigenous Patient Navigator role, and perspectives on self-identification. What is learned during both steps will be inform the co-design and all data will be presented to the Indigenous Oversight Circle to inform the development of an Indigenous Patient Navigator role. 

Project funded by: SEAMO logo