PhD candidate Elizabeth Nelson has focused much of her research on community organizations and their roles in designing intercultural cities. Recently, Elizabeth published the Summer 2023 edition of “I’ll Be Here,” a unique platform to share and highlight her work. In Elizabeth’s own words:
“’I’ll Be Here’ is a zine project that explores the vital yet under-supported care work of community organizations in Kingston, Ottawa, and Cornwall. A zine is a grassroots-style publication, featuring a mix of text and graphic content, typically centered around social justice themes. This development represents one element of my approach to communicating the findings of my PhD research through more accessible and engaging formats than traditional academic outputs. The choice to incorporate a zine into the project was conceived during the research process, after conversations with community leaders who felt that they would benefit from knowing that they were not alone in the challenges they faced, and the hopes they had for their organizations. The narratives chosen for this zine reflect the key themes of the research findings and features insights and stories from participating community organizations alongside contributions from local artists. It can be viewed at:”
You can also access the complete edition of "I'll Be Here" by clicking the zine's cover below.