Custom or Temporary Signage Approval Form

Facilities, Campus Planning and Real Estate and the University Relations Brand Team oversee the design, approval, production, and installation of Queen's signage. The updated Signage Policy and Guidelines will be made available in the coming months. Queen's University wayfinding signage is part of a standardized signage system and is the only signage approved for permanent use on campus and in/on other university buildings. Policies govern what is permitted in terms of other permanent and temporary signage appearing on campus or including a Queen's trademark.

Please use the form below to submit or request approval on custom or temporary signage. Examples of this type of signage include: pull-up banners, backdrops, sandwich boards, tents, building skins and artwork, interior office signage that does not fall within wayfinding.

Submissions will be reviewed at the bi-weekly Brand and Campus Planning Signage Meeting. Once the sign has been approved by Brand and Facilities, it can proceed into production with the signage supplier. Please note that all signage should be produced by a Procurement-approved print vendor of record or a trademark licensee.