Welcome to the Graduation Information Page! Here you'll find all the necessary details to ensure a smooth graduation process.
Important Notes Regarding Graduation
- Graduation Ceremony Schedule
Queen’s University holds graduation twice per year.
Winter (Spring/June) Graduation: Held in June for students completing their final courses in Fall or Winter terms.
Summer (Fall/November) Graduation: Held in November for students completing their final courses in the Summer term. - Application Status and What It Means
- Applied: Your application has been received. The FAS Degree List team will begin reviewing it shortly.
In Review: Your application is currently under review. - CondApprvd: Your application has been reviewed, and, upon the successful completion of your current courses, you are on track to graduate.
- Approved: Your final grades have been submitted and our Degree List team has confirmed your eligibility to graduate.
- Awarded: The Office of the University Registrar has officially awarded your degree (or certificate). The degree notation will be posted on your transcript soon.
- Reminder: No news is good news. If there’s an issue with your eligibility, we will contact you via your Queen’s email.
- Applied: Your application has been received. The FAS Degree List team will begin reviewing it shortly.
- Deferred Exams or Assignments
Deferred work may delay your eligibility for the current graduation cycle. If final grades aren’t posted by our degree list deadlines, you may need to wait to graduate during the next graduation cycle. - Transfer Credits and Graduation Timing
Students with transfer credits should ensure grades are posted to their student record by degree list deadline to avoid postponing graduation.