Cover of the Class of 2020 custom notebook

180 For 180

In December 2020, we sent each of the 7,300 members of the Class of 2020 a custom notebook to congratulate them on completing their time at Queen’s and to mark the start of a new chapter. But the notebook was just the beginning. Inside the notebook, we challenged our newest alumni to think beyond their own struggles to how they might help others. We urged them to take a year of challenges and turn it around to do something meaningful for themselves and their communities.

This year, as Queen’s celebrates its 180th year, we’re inviting the Class of 2020 to join us on a journey of giving by spending 180 minutes to turn something 180 degrees for good. 

Join the #180For180 challenge.

  1. Choose how you want to give back. Not sure where to start? Consider joining the board of an organization that is changing lives, share your skills with someone in the community who needs a helping hand, or volunteer for a cause that is important to you.
  2. Take action. Spend 180 minutes to turn something 180 degrees for good. Write about your experience in your notebook.
  3. Share your story. Post your photos, videos, and stories on social media by tagging #180For180. Or email us at sends email) with “My 180 for 180 story” in the subject line.