Gold, blue, and red tickets

Special Tickets for 2020 Grads

If you’re a Queen's 2020 graduate and received a blue, red, or gold ticket along with your custom notebook, count yourself lucky! Each ticket represents a special gift. Please see the back of your ticket for instructions on how to claim your prize.

With a blue ticket, you’ll receive a complimentary Queen’s diploma frame. 

A red ticket means you’ll receive a custom career support package including one-on-one career counseling. For Smith grads, this means a Queen’s Executive Education virtual course.

Finally, a gold ticket presents a unique opportunity to meet with some of our most distinguished alumni. If you have a golden ticket, contact sends email) by Feb. 28, 2021 to claim your prize. Be sure to include “Gold Gift Ticket” in the subject line along with a photo of your ticket.


Coming soon in Spring 2021: Golden Ticket Event

During this exclusive virtual event, golden ticket holders will be introduced to alumni mentors who will share their stories about the one thing they did after graduation that made all the difference. It will be an unforgettable experience, and their mentorship and guidance will open new doors to the world beyond Queen’s. Stay tuned for more details.