Queen's University Alumni Association

“To reach out and foster a lifelong association with Queen's, to engage our members in the life and work of the university, and to serve the alumni community in all its diversity."

All graduates of Queen's University, as well as students who have completed one full academic year, are automatically members of the QUAA. We work to unite our diverse alumni community and celebrate our many contributions and achievements. Together, we advance the reputation of Queen’s as an exceptional research-based institution of higher learning. 


A member of the Queen’s University Alumni Association is an individual who has received a degree or diploma from the University or has registered and attended classes for at least one full session (academic year or equivalent) and whose class has graduated.


The Alumni Assembly is the voting body of the QUAA - it is comprised of:

  • All members of the Queen's University Alumni Association Board of Directors and its Executive Committee
  • The President or delegate from each branch with a Signature Award (Calgary, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver).
  • Up to six additional Presidents or delegates from other branches.
  • Up to four Reunion Volunteers (0-10 year Reunion Volunteer, 10-25 year Reunion Volunteer, 25-50 year Reunion Volunteer, 50+ year Reunion Volunteer).
  • Up to two representatives from an official QUAA Chapter.
  • One representative from an Alumni Booster Club or Team.
  • One representative from a Giving Society or Committee.
  • When necessary, up to two additional representatives from Faculties or Alumni Groups that are not otherwise represented in other positions (when necessary).
  • The President or delegate of the Alma Mater Society (AMS).
  • The President or delegate of the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS)
  • The President or delegate of the Queen's Student Alumni Association (QSAA).
  • The Queen's University Rector or delegate.
  • One representative from the Varsity Council.
  • The Principal of Queen's University or a delegate
  • The University Council of Queen's University may appoint two Alumni Councillors.

QUAA Board of Directors

Allison Williams, Artsci ’09, President QUAA, Chair of the Board of Directors

Leigh Kalin, Artsci ’92, Ex-Officio, Associate VP (Strategic Engagement)

Angela Xu, Com ’22, Director

Carolyn Desrosiers, Artsci ’06, Director

Cheryl Carver, MIR ’89, Director

Galvin Niu, Sc ’19, Director

Ghazal Abdullah, MIB ’23, Director

Julie Nixon Rentsch, Com ’99, Director

Kahir Rahemtulla, Sc ’17, Director

Kelly McKinley, Artsci ’91, Director

Sarah Virani, Artsci ’11, Director

Simon Marmura Brown, MA ’18, Director

Stacy Kelly, Artsci ’93, Director

Toby Thomas, Sc ’85, Director

Learn more about the QUAA

Learn more about QUAA membership, governance and it's voting body - the Assembly.

Learn more about the Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Association.

Volunteers are representatives of the university. Learn more about the QUAA standards of behaviour.