Virtual Events
Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Awards 2022
On April 8, 2022, Alma Mater Society President Zaid Kasim hosted a virtual award presentation and reception honouring the 2022 Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award recipients.
Queer Alumni Chapter: Past, Present, and Future event recording
QUAA Book Talk: Curtis Carmichael with Butterflies in the Trenches
Watch the Distinguished Service Award Celebrations Today
Royal Legacy Society - 2021 Tea Talk
Queen's Royal Legacy Society celebrated the inaugural Tea Talk on June 17, 2021. To thank you for your commitment to the university, Queen's plans to host annual talks where leading Queen's researchers from a variety of fields of study will share their passion for discovery and learning.
AVS 2021 - QUAA Accessibility Talk
The Queen's University Alumni Association (QUAA) Board of Directors hosted the second virtual panel exploring themes within Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity (EDII), as part of the 2021 Alumni Volunteer Series on October 27.
Homecoming 2021 - Reunion Volunteer Event
Reunion volunteers celebrate their alumni community and discuss plans for their next Homecoming.
Road to Recovery: Reintegration
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged Canada and the Queen’s community to think creatively about how they can harness their expertise and research skills to help confront the crisis, socially, economically, politically, and technologically.
Hong Kong Branch - Canada Day Celebration
On Wednesday, June 30, Queen’s University Hong Kong Branch celebrated Canada Day with a virtual tour of Queen’s main campus.
Toronto Branch - Spring Wellness
On March 31, 2021, all alumni were asked to join the Queen’s Toronto alumni community for an one-hour informal and interactive discussion on self-care. Some great tips and resources to best nurture yourself and help manage anxiety and stress for a healthy body and mind were shared during this event.