Human Ethics Certification

Any research project involving human participants, whether funded or not, must receive ethics approval of one of the Ethics Boards prior to the start of the project. Visit Research Ethics Website 

  • Health Sciences and affiliated teaching hospitals submit to Health Sciences Research Ethics Board (HSREB)
  • Non-Health Sciences (Social Sciences) submit to the General Research Ethics Board (GREB)*

 Who can I contact if I have questions about TRAQ?

We have a dedicated Helpdesk to support the research community at Queen’s.

Users can reach us by:

Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board (HSREB)

HSREB Meeting Schedule

 (opens on the Vice-Principal Research portfolio website)

View HSREB schedule

General Research Ethics Board (GREB)

GREB Meeting Schedule

 (opens on the Vice-Principal Research portfolio website)

View GREB schedule