R4R@Q - The Value of Academic Awards


Wednesday February 22, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Virtually (on Teams)
Event Category

For most academic researchers, the “bread and butter” comes from a successful application for research funding. However, academic awards (along with other forms of promotion) represent a marketing exercise that can effectively launch an academic reputation. Many early career researchers focus solely on publishing and grant applications, without understanding the impact that an award can make. More experienced researchers may not think a “prize” can have downstream positive impact, and most are unaware of the impact it can have on institutional reputation.

The Vice Principal Research Portfolio puts a high priority on supporting our faculty in building up their award portfolios. Based on her past experience in working within the research sphere in conjunction with her current role in coordinating academic/research prizes and awards, Mona Rahman (Research Awards Officer), will outline the value of the award nomination process, and offer suggestions on how to best position oneself for success.

Video (  Queen's NetID required for video and session material): 

The transcript and closed captioning of this video were auto-generated. We apologize in advance for any errors in the transcription.

Session Material:

  • Slide deck coming soon


Mona Rahman (Research Awards Officer)

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