At Queen's, we actively promote the success of our researchers by helping them attract competitive awards. This winter the Vice-Principal Research Portfolio is seeking candidates for three groups of awards.

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If you would like to suggest a colleague (or yourself) for consideration as a candidate for the following prizes/awards, please contact Mona Rahman (Research Awards Officer) at with a copy of their current curriculum vitae by Thursday, January 26, 2023.

Potential candidates will be assessed by our Awards Advisory Committee for internal selection.

Available prizes and awards


  • RSC Henry Marshall Tory Medal: For outstanding research in a branch of astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics, or an allied science, carried out mainly in the eight years preceding the date of the award, but all the research of the candidate is taken into account. The gold plated silver medal is offered every two years if there is a suitable candidate.
  • RSC Jason A Hannah Medal: For an important publication in the history of medicine.
  • RSC John L. Synge Award: For outstanding research in any of the branches of the mathematical sciences
  • RSC McLaughlin Medal: For important research of sustained excellence in any branch of medical sciences.
  • RSC Michael P. Païdoussis: For recognition of an individual who has made outstanding contributions to research, education and leadership in applied mechanics. Solid continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics and fluid-structure interaction are all included.
  • RSC Miroslaw Romanowski Medal: For contributions towards the resolution of scientific aspects of environmental problems or for important improvements to the quality of an ecosystem in all aspects - terrestrial, atmospheric and aqueous - brought about by scientific means.
  • RSC Pierre Chauveau (Medal): For a distinguished contribution to knowledge in the humanities.
  • RSC Rutherford Memorial Medals: For outstanding research during the formative stage of a career in any branch of physics and chemistry and in recognition of Lord Rutherford’s own research carried out in Canada at a relatively young age. Preference will be given to candidates who have received their PhD within the previous 15 years. Each gold plated silver medal is offered every year if there is a suitable candidate.
  • RSC Sir John William Dawson Medal: For important and sustained contributions in two domains of interest to the RSC or in interdisciplinary research.
  • RSC Yvan Allaire Medal (Medal + $5,000): For outstanding contribution in governance (Social Sciences)

Please note that the RSC will open nominations in the new year. Details will be available at:

NSERC Prizes celebrate exceptional examples of research excellence with a wide range of prizes. We are seeking candidates for the following prizes:

  • The Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering: recognizing outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who came together to engage in research drawing on their combined knowledge and skills, and produced a record of excellent achievements in the natural sciences and engineering.
  • The Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering: awarded to a researcher whose body of work, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences for engineering, has demonstrated persistent excellence and influence.
  • John C. Polanyi Award: given to an individual or team whose research, conducted in Canada, has led to a recent outstanding advance in any NSERC-supported field of the natural sciences or engineering.
  • Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research: awarded annually to an individual or team whose outstanding research, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE), has led to exceptional benefits for Canadian society, environment and/or economy.

Details will be available at:

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Impact Awards are designed to build on and sustain Canada’s research-based knowledge culture in all research areas of the social sciences and humanities. The awards recognize outstanding researchers and celebrate their research achievements, research training, knowledge mobilization and outreach activities funded partially or entirely by SSHRC.

We are seeking candidates for the following awards:

  • Insight Award: recognizes outstanding achievement arising from a single or multiple SSHRC-funded initiatives. It is given to an individual or a team of six people maximum (including the nominee) whose initiative(s) have significantly contributed to knowledge and understanding about people, societies and the world. The research outcomes must have led to demonstrable impact within the nominee’s fields of research and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community.
  • Connection Award: recognizes an outstanding SSHRC-funded initiative that facilitates the flow and exchange of research knowledge within and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community. It is given to an individual or a team of six people maximum (including the nominee) whose initiative has engaged the campus and/or wider community, and has generated intellectual, cultural, social and/or economic impacts. 
  • Partnership Award: recognizes a SSHRC funded formal partnership for its outstanding achievement in advancing research, research training or knowledge mobilization, or developing a new partnership approach to research and/or related activities. It is awarded to a formal partnership that, through mutual co-operation and shared intellectual leadership and resources, has demonstrated impact and influence within and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community 

Please note that institutions are limited to nominating one candidate per award.

Details are available at: