Prep questions for your submission
In addition to your Applicant Details, the following questions will be asked on your submission form. Please note, all files must be uploaded in PDF format.
- SSHRC Explore Grants:
- Support social sciences and humanities researchers with modest research funding requirements at any stage of their career;
- Allow for small-scale innovation and experimentation by providing funding to develop a research project or to conduct pilot work; and
- Enable researchers to hire students at any level to participate in their research projects, thereby contributing to the students’ professional development.
- SSHRC Exchange Grants:
- Support the organization of small-scale knowledge mobilization activities, such as workshops and seminars, to encourage collaboration and the dissemination of research results both within and beyond the academic community; and
- Allow researchers to attend or present their research at scholarly conferences and other dissemination venues that align with SSHRC’s mandate in order to advance their careers and encourage the exchange of ideas and research results at the national and international level.
Possible answers: Yes or No
Preference will be given to researchers who do not have an active external grant.
Possible answers: Yes* or No
* If you answered yes, please briefly explain how the funding is allocated.
Possible answers: Yes* or No
* If you answered yes, please briefly explain how the funding is allocated.
Describe the proposed objectives of the project/activities and why the funding is necessary to achieve the objectives. Describe the impact of anticipated outcomes, including a list of proposed outputs (e.g., publications, conference/workshop participation, creative expressions, etc.). Please provide keywords.
Maximum two pages in 1 file no larger than 10MB.
Describe the possibility of the SIG grant supporting an application to one of the SSHRC funding opportunities listed below within two years of the commencement of the SIG grant.
Insight Development Grants:
- Provides support for research in its initial stages for up to two years. Enables the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas.
Insight Grants:
- Funding is available for research initiatives of two to five years providing stable support for long-term research initiatives. Enables scholars to address complex issues pertaining to individuals and societies, and to further our collective understanding.
Connection Grants:
- Supports events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives.
Partnership Engage Grants:
- Provides short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector.
Partnership Development Grants:
- Provides support over one to three years to teams/partnerships, led by a project director, to:
- develop research and/or related activities in the social sciences and humanities, including knowledge mobilization and the meaningful involvement of students and emerging scholars, by fostering new partnerships with existing and/or potential partners; or
- design and test new partnership approaches for research and/or related activities that may result in best practices or models that either can be adapted by others or have the potential to be scaled up to a regional, national or international level.
Maximum half page in 1 file no larger than 10MB
Provide a proposed budget for your project/activities. Successful applicants will be funded up to $10,000 for a one-year funding period. Please refer to the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide to confirm eligible expenses.
Maximum 1-page in 1 file no larger than 10MB.
Include a current curriculum vitae.
Maximum 1 file no larger than 10MB.
Submission Instructions
Application format:
Consider submitting an application that aligns with the following SSHRC-required specifications:
- body text in a minimum 12-point Times New Roman font;
- text single-spaced;
- all margins set at a minimum of 3/4” (1.87 cm);
- pages numbered sequentially.
Submission dates:
- February 14, 2025
For more information please contact:
Direct all application inquiries to: Rebecca Pero
Direct all project/activity eligibility inquiries to: Diane Davies or Adrian Kelly