Connection Grants

Full details about the Connection Grant competition can be found on the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) website

Multiple Applications: Individuals may apply for one Connection Grant per calendar year. An applicant may not apply for or hold more than one Connection Grant for the same event or outreach activity. Please refer to SSHRC’s regulations regarding multiple applications for more information.

Application Deadlines: SSHRC makes Connection Grants funding decisions through a merit review process during four funding cycles per year.  For an application to be considered in one of these four cycles, applicants must meet the corresponding deadline date, according to the following schedule:

SSHRC Deadline SSHRC Decision Date

May 1, 2024

June 30, 2024

June 20, 2024

September 30, 2024

November 1, 2024

January 8, 2025

February 1, 2025

March 31, 2025

Application Submission Timeline


1 month prior to the SSHRC deadline

Notice of Intent to Apply Deadline

Applicants from the Faculty of Arts and Science please contact Adrian Kelly ( Applicants from all other Faculties/Schools please contact Diane Davies (

5 business days prior to SSHRC deadline

Administrative Review Deadline

Final application submitted to URS via SSHRC system (can be returned to applicant for final amendments, if necessary).

TRAQ DSS Form completed and approved by Department Head and/or Associate Dean (Research).

SSHRC Connection Grants Webinar: May 2024

Webinar Slide Deck (PDF 1.77 MB)

Application Resources 

Contact Information

SSHRC Connection Grants: TRAQ Help Desk: Queen's Research Services:


Help Desk Web Form
613-533-6000 ext.78426

  • Faculty of Arts & Science applicants please contact Adrian Kelly, Research Projects Advisor,, 613-453-5027
  • Applicants from all other Faculties / Schools please contact Diane Davies, Research Projects Advisor,, 613-533-6000 ext. 79422