New Frontiers in Research Fund - International

The International Stream includes two mechanisms: 

2023 Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation 

The International stream aims to support international collaborations and position Canada and Canadian researchers as strategic partners at the international level. The International stream includes two mechanisms:

  • joint funding calls with international agencies on topics of international relevance; and
  • a dedicated fund to support participation of Canadian researchers within international teams in projects seeking funding from major global platforms. 

The 2023 NFRF International funding call  challenges researchers to tackle global challenges caused by climate change. Research teams must be interdisciplinary and include collaborators eligible for funding from one of the identified international partner countries. Proposals must address at least two of the following eight key representative risks identified in the call. 

*Note on Interdisciplinarity: Projects that fall under the mandate of only one federal research funding agency (i.e. CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) are not eligible. 

Value and Duration:

Projects should be designed to be completed within three years. Funding is available for three-year projects. One-year no-cost extensions may be available in some circumstances, on request and requiring appropriate justification. The call is supported by research funding organizations from different countries, referred to as the “consortium partners ) for information on the level of financial support available.

The maximum budget for the direct costs  website. The indirect costs component of each NFRF award is included in the award value; it is not in addition to it.


The co-principal investigators (co-PIs) in each project team must represent a minimum of three countries and be eligible to receive funds from at least two Consortium Partners . At least one co-PI must be eligible to apply to the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) program. By default, the NFRF-eligible co-PI will be the nominated co-principal investigator (NPI) and will be responsible for initiating the application in the Convergence Portal.

In order to submit a Notice of Intent from Queen's University, you must submit a MANDATORY Expression of Interest (EOI) by the deadline.

The following table is a summary of key agency / Queen's deadlines. Please see the notes below on mandatory internal process below.

Event Date
Agency Information Webinars
(obtain log-in link from NFRF website )
February 14, 2023, 10-12 ET - FRENCH
February 16, 2023, 10-12 ET – ENGLISH
MANDATORY Internal Expression of Interest (EOI) Deadline* February 21, 2023
MANDATORY Internal Pitch Session (see below for full details) March, TBA
Internal Notice of Intent Review Deadline* April 25, 2023
Agency Notice of Intent Deadline** May 2, 2023, 8 pm EST
MANDATORY Check-In Meetings July-August, 2023
Internal Full Application Review Deadline* TBD
TRAQ DSS DUE August 22, 2023
Agency Full Application Deadline** September 12, 2023 8 pm EST

* Please email completed EOIs and all materials for review to Andrea Hiltz (
** Must be entered in the Convergence Portal by the NPI then submitted to the Agency by Queen’s Research Services.  

  NOI Due   Check-in
(internal & external)

February 21

May 2 June-August July-August September 12
Steps internal to Queen's   to Agency   Steps internal to Queen's   to Agency

About the Program

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:

Agency Resources:

Queen's Resources:

Teams planning to submit an Notice of Intent (NOI) for the NFRF International call on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation  are required to register their intent with Queen’s VPR through submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI). Submissions will be used to help guide research team creation, to gauge team preparedness, and prepare for mandatory project pitch sessions. 

While transectoral co-creation is required for all teams and will ideally be in progress by early 2023, we encourage all teams seriously considering a project to submit the EOI. Team and project details may be revised up until the NOI submission to the agency (and thereafter depending on program guidelines).

Please complete this EOI Form and send to Andrea Hiltz ( by February 21, 2023. 

What is the pitch session?

The session is intended to provide researchers a forum to share and explore their NFRF International project ideas/plans with the VPR office, and to access central resources (time and financial support) needed for developing a competitive application.

How will the pitch session work?

The primary purpose of the pitch is to receive feedback on project development and plans. Presenters will be provided a presentation template to help streamline the conversation. While we recognize that teams will be in different stages of development at the timing of the pitch session, we also encourage teams to be ready to discuss key aspects of the funding call, particularly the overarching risk issues to be targeted, project co-development, partners/collaborators and how the proposed plan addresses required project elements (until official launch expected in January, pay attention to high-level project eligibility details ). 

Why do the pitch session?

The pitch session will be mandatory for all teams planning to submit an NOI to the NFRF International call. While the forum to engage and discuss project plans will provide an opportunity for researchers to test and further develop their ideas for success in the competition, the sessions will also be used as a mechanism to allocate resources in support of the full proposal development. Panels will include senior VPR/research leadership and individuals with expertise in EDII. Panels used may vary between project teams.

Members of the VPR support team will contact applicants to set the date for the pitch session, and may request additional information, if necessary. 

Details forthcoming.

Details forthcoming.

Past collaboration and knowledge sharing opportunities

Brainstorming and Information Session.

On December 9, 2022 a Brainstorming and Networking Session was held to support interdisciplinary linkages between researchers and Faculties. Attendance at this session was not mandatory and those who were unable to participate are still encouraged to apply to this funding opportunity.

The slide deck and a video recording of this session can be viewed below. 

Session Material: (  Queen's NetID required)


Maladaptation and Co-production with a presentation by Dr. Marcus Taylor.

Maladaptation and Co-production: Big terms, but what do they mean for grant applications?
Granting agencies have increasingly focused on funding climate change research projects that address ‘maladaptation’ by using methodologies focused on the ‘co-production’ of knowledge. Dr. Marcus Taylor talks through what the concept of maladaptation entails, how it was integrated into the IPCC’s new approach to climate change policy, and provides examples from his work in rural India. Conversely, granting agencies increasingly emphasise that the co-production of knowledge with impacted communities is a potential solution to maladaptation. Overviewing different co-production approaches, Dr. Taylor cautions that there are sharp debates over what co-production means in both theory and practice and suggests some potential pathways forward.

Session Material: (  Queen's NetID required)

Additional co-production resources

NFRF International

View NFRF site