Carbon to Metal Coating Institute

The Carbon to Metal Coating Institute (C2MCI) at Queen’s is an international research, innovation, and education institute focused on developing cutting-edge solutions to prevent the corrosion of metals and enable their manipulation and stabilization on nanometer scale. Researchers at this institute are advancing innovations through the development of coating materials for metals with macro, micro, and nano impacts. This will directly improve the stability of metal-based transportation, construction, and green energy infrastructure, and enable new manufacturing methods for microelectronics, and improve the precision, safety, and effectiveness of nanomedicines in oncology.

Launched in 2022, C2MCI was made possible by a $24 million grant from the New Frontiers in Research Fund – Transformation program. The institute seeks to support several UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Research into metal coating solutions will support Canada’s move towards green energy and reduce demand for metal extraction processes and extend the longevity of metals. This will ultimately lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions and a reduction in environmental contaminants from corroding metals.

C2MCI is also committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), embedding EDI principles in all activities and offering specific EDI fellowships to attract and promote equity-deserving researchers.

C2MCI’s network of partners include global academic leaders in the fields of chemistry, physics, engineering, and medicine from Canada, USA, UK, Finland, Japan, and Germany. There are also active partnerships with government organizations and national labs, as well as industry partners around the world. The institute is seeking to expand outreach and research collaborations with partners in Africa, Israel, and Japan.

Research and training excellence is a core value of C2MCI. The institute offers graduate and postdoctoral fellowships and positions for undergraduate researchers.

C2MCI also offers specific EDI fellowships to attract and promote equity-deserving researchers.