Senate Research Report - February 2020

  Research News  

For the fifth year in a row, the Art of Research photo contest is looking to celebrate and creatively capture the research conducted by the Queen’s community. Current Queen’s faculty, staff, students, or alumni are eligible to participate. Research depicted in the submissions must have been completed at Queen’s or while the submitter was affiliated with the university. Learn about the contest rules. Deadline for submissions is March 12, 2020.

The Queen’s University Prizes for Excellence in Research, celebrating outstanding research contributions while at Queen’s, has launched. Guidelines for submitting a nomination can be found on the website of the Vice-Principal (Research). Deadline for nominations is March 23, 2020.

Resources for Research at Queen’s (R4R@Q) is a brown bag lunchtime series, hosted by University Research Services, intended to acquaint Queen’s researchers with the resources and people who are available to help. Sessions run once per month in Stauffer Library Room 121 from 12:30-1:30.

Upcoming sessions include:

  • Wednesday, March 11: Managing your Research Data
  • Wednesday April 15: You Got Googled: How and Why to Build a Compelling Research Story
  • Wednesday, May 13: I Agreed to do What?!?! How to Write a Good Informed Consent Form

Queen’s received a total of $3.95 million from the Fall 2019 CIHR Project Grant competition, a program that helps advance health-related research. With an eye on collaboration, the competition funds both individuals and groups of researchers at any career stage in all areas of health-related research.

Recipients include:

  • John Allingham (Biomedical and Molecular Science) $573,750
  • Christopher Bowie (Psychology) $673,200
  • J. Gordon Boyd (Medicine) $562,275
  • Robert Campbell (Ophthalmology) $130,000 • Janet Dancey (Canadian Cancer Trials Group) $1,303,560
  • Jeffrey Masuda (Kinesiology and Health Studies) $612,000
  • Nader Ghasemlou (Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine; Biomedical & Molecular Sciences) $100,000 bridge funding

Ted Hewitt, President, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Inaugural Chair of the Canada search Coordinating Committee, visited Queen’s on Friday, Jan. 24. As part of his visit, Dr. Hewitt met with researchers and students, explored research spaces, and learned about the SSHRCsupported work being done at the university.

Queen’s University and L-SPARK, an Ottawa-based accelerator, announced the launch of Compass North, a new acceleration program specifically designed for women founders in Kingston and region with posted revenues in a technology sector. It is the first of the new programs unveiled by Queen’s since the Government of Canada, through the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy Ecosystem Fund, announced a contribution of $3.2 million to the university to advance its support of women entrepreneurs. Compass North will provide embedded mentorship and matches every founder with a mentor to help plan strategically and reach goals and objectives.

  Recent Honours and Awards

  • Science Rendezvous Kingston, coordinated by Dr. Lynda Colgan and Kim Garrett, was the winner of the 2019 STEAM Big! Award for outstanding contribution to Science Rendezvous 2019. Their contributions have been highlighted in the Science Rendezvous Annual Report.
  • Professor Joan Schwartz (Art History & Art Conservation; cross-appointed to Geography) has been appointed as a member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, a five-year term.
  • Dr. Karen Lawford (Gender Studies) was recognized with the 2020 Indspire Award for Health for outstanding career achievements in health. The award will be presented to Dr. Lawford at a ceremony on March 6, which will be broadcast on Sunday, June 21 on CBC, APTN, and CBC Radio One.