Black Student Initiative Fund

Celebrate Diversity

Queen's students using a laptop computer.



This funding was created to support Black student-led events, programs, initiatives, and projects on campus through the existing Inclusive Queen’s Community Fund. Additionally, the Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor has committed an additional $25,000 every year to the fund, bringing the annual total to $75,000.

The fund was established to create an inclusive and welcoming environment in which diversity is valued and celebrated by all members of the campus community.


The Black Student Initiative Fund is an element of the Inclusive Community Fund (ICF), which was established in 2018, to further the goals of creating an inclusive and welcoming environment at Queen’s University. The ICF provides financial support to host programs, events, initiatives, or projects that serve to promote a more inter-culturally informed, tolerant, and inclusive campus community. Established by a $50,000 annual contribution from the Office of the Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, and Inclusion), the fund is available to any Queen’s student or employee.

  • The maximum award for group projects, events, or activities is normally $3,000; the maximum award for individual projects, events, or activities is normally $1,000.
  • Successful applicants are responsible for all aspects of the project, initiative, or event.
  • Support from the Inclusive Community Fund should be acknowledged in publications, programs, credits, etc.
  • Applications will not be considered for expenses already incurred.
  • All events at Queen’s are to be accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Guidelines on accessible event planning.


Submission Process

Individuals wishing to apply for funding must review the Inclusive Community Fund Guidelines and complete a proposal and budget form.

Budget Form (Excel, 17.6 KB)

Proposals must include the project title and description. The description should address the following:

  • The name(s) of the individual(s) or group(s) proposing the project;
  • The purpose of the project;
  • The intended audience;
  • The proposed date;
  • Affiliation with any other special event;
  • Actions taken to ensure the project, initiative, or event is accessible to people with disabilities;
  • Proposed activities; and
  • Desired outcomes and methods of measuring success.

Proposals and budget forms may be submitted electronically using the linked funding application, which may be submitted at any time.

Fund Guidelines

Eligible Expenses

  • Supplies and promotional materials for campus awareness campaigns that promote an inclusive community
  • Hosting or co-hosting awareness programs, conferences, events, etc.
  • Speaker fees and associated expenses
  • Venue and equipment rentals for events
  • Food and/or non-alcoholic beverages for the event
  • Volunteer recognition tokens of appreciation
  • Service costs that make the event or initiative accessible
  • Other operating expenses not excluded below

Non-eligible Expenses

  • Expenses arising from events or initiatives that have the effect of marginalizing, discriminating against, harassing, and/or excluding any identifiable group of persons
  • Expenses arising from events in support of political parties
  • Expenses arising from research projects
  • Equipment purchases
  • Alcohol
  • Expenses such as charitable donations, wages, and/or honoraria

Successful applicants must agree to return any unspent funds.

The Office of the Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, and Inclusion) is not responsible for covering deficits of projects, initiatives, or events that cost more than the anticipated budget.

Sponsorship of a project, initiative, or event through the Inclusive Community Fund does not make it a Queen’s-sanctioned event. As such, the university assumes no liability out of or in consequence of any attendance or participation in an activity or event.

Each project proposal will be reviewed and judged in relation to the following criteria:

  • The extent to which the project, initiative, or event promotes a more inter-culturally informed, tolerant, and inclusive campus community
  • The extent to which the project, initiative, or event is open to Queen’s and/or the broader community
  • The extent to which the project, initiative, or event enhances the quality of the student or employee experience at Queen’s
  • The extent to which the project, initiative, or event promotes Queen’s in a positive manner

Funding awards will be determined by the Inclusive Community Fund Committee based on the funding award criteria for the program.

Membership on the Committee consists of:

  • two representatives from Student Affairs
  • one representative from the Human Rights and Equity Offices
  • one student representative
  • one staff representative, and
  • the Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Inclusion), or delegate.

The approval and amount of funding will be contingent upon:

  • The availability of funds and the total amount of requests received.
  • The alignment of the project, initiative, or event with the selection criteria set out above.

Successful applicants must submit a report within 30 days after the completion of the project. The report should include:

  • Title or name of project
  • Names and contact information of person(s) completing the report
  • Scope and number of persons that participated in the project, initiative, or event
  • Copies of promotional materials, programs, etc.
  • Description of the event and how it contributed to a more inter-culturally informed, tolerant, and inclusive campus community. Include copies of media coverage if applicable and available.
  • Final budget including a breakdown of how the funds were spent.

Future applications to the Inclusive Community Fund will not be considered unless and until this report is submitted. Please submit your report electronically to

Other Funds

The Black Student Initiative Fund was established in 2018 to create an inclusive and welcoming environment in which diversity is valued and celebrated by all members of the campus community.

The Team-Building Activity Fund provides funding opportunities for initiatives that allow sanctioned student clubs to welcome and support new members in ways that cultivate a sense of belonging.

The Student Initiative Fund provides funding opportunities for student-led activities and events that enhance the student experience and enrich the university community.

The Robert Sutherland Visitorship was created to enable dialogue and inspire action around race-related, equity and justice issues in order to shape our citizens of tomorrow. The Provost’s Advisory Committee for the Promotion of the Arts adjudicates proposals from members of the Queen's community to invite persons of distinction to be Robert Sutherland Visitors or to host scholarly events.