Active Study Recruitment

Evaluation of the Transformational Coaching Survey

Effective coaching depends not only on what coaches do but also on how they do it. The PLAYS Research Group is currently conducting a study to assess how leadership behaviours relate to athlete motivation and enjoyment. By supporting this work, you will not only help advance this important research but also gain insights that could benefit your coaching practices and your athletes.

What We’re Asking

In this project, we are asking youth athletes (ages 13-19) to complete a 15-minute questionnaire about their coaching leadership styles, motivation, and affect. Athletes must compete in a team sport and interact with a current coach 2+ times per week in practices or games. As a thank you, participating athletes may choose to be included in a random draw for one of 10 $25 Amazon gift cards. Importantly, all athletes’ responses will be anonymous and this study has received ethical approval by the Queen’s University General Research Ethics Board.

How It Helps Your Organization

If 10 or more of your athletes complete the survey, you will receive a summary report of their responses. This report could serve as a valuable tool for understanding how transformational leadership principles are influencing your team. We can even discuss strategies to take your coaching to the next level.

What Next

If you are interested, simply let us know by emailing the project lead at, so that we can send you the materials—including an email blurb and social media graphic—to share with your athletes.

You can read more about the project in the Letter of Information, which will also be accessible by potential participants. On behalf of the PLAYS research team, thank you for your time and consideration of this project—we would love to hear from you!

Click this link to read the Letter of Information