Spring Luncheon & AGM 2023
Tuesday April 25, 202311:30 am - 2:00 pm
Cataraqui Golf and Country Club.jpg)
QWA Annual General Meeting & Luncheon
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Cataraqui Golf and Country Club 32 Country Club Drive
11.30 Registration & Cash Bar
12.00 Buffet Luncheon
Speaker: Alicia Boutillier Chief Curator Agnes Etherington Art Gallery
Assorted deli sandwiches and wraps
Mixed baby greens
Mediterranean pasta salad
Sliced fruit and berries
Variety of sweets
Assorted cold beverages
Coffee, selection of tea
Cost: $42.00 per person
To Register (due by: April 18, 2023)
Mail or deliver this form + cheque for $42.00, made payable to QWA to:
Events Chair, 187A King Street West, Kingston ON K7L 2W7 OR;
By e-transfer of $42.00 to qwatreas@gmail.com include “AGM 2023” in the notes.
Name ________________________Phone __________________
Email _________________Dietary Restrictions ______________
Guest name (if applicable _________________________________
Should you have any questions, please, contact Helen Grime (613)547-0733