Research Summary
The aim of my research program is to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning the adaptive response of skeletal muscle to nutrition, exercise training, and immobilization. I specialize in the use of stable isotopic tracers to track skeletal muscle protein turnover combined with a variety of molecular biology techniques for measurement of enzyme activity, protein expression, and post-translational modification.
Graduate Student Opportunities
Prospective students are strongly encouraged to apply for scholarships and awards through the TriCouncil CGSM Master’s Award – National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); other external agencies that provide funding to graduate students; and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS). Deadlines for these competitions generally fall in October – several months before the deadlines for our graduate programs. Only students who have already applied for funding from these external agencies will be eligible for the various internal fellowships and wards offered by Queen’s University to incoming students.
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Office: KINE 302A