Nonlinear Quantum Optics
Our goal is to uncover fundamental light-matter interactions at the single-photon level. More specifically, we search for non-trivial interactions that, for example, enable an optical quantum state to control another, changing its amplitude, phase or even wavefunction. By using a quantum emitter as our nonlinear material, we create a system where such all-optical quantum control is possible on-demand and using single photons.

Nanophotonic Engineering
We design and create photonic systems by engineering their geometry at the nanoscale. In doing so, we are able to shape the way light flows through our structures and how it interacts with embedded quantum emitters. We use a variety of approaches, ranging from photonic crystal waveguides, microscopic photonic resonators and concepts from topological photonics, working together with the Theoretical Nanophotonics and Quantum Optics Group.

Quantum Photonic Networks
Photonic networks that operate in the quantum regime are composed of a variety of elements: some, like waveguides or couplers are passive, while others such as switches and phase shifters are active. We explore the role that our quantum optical nonlinearities can play in these networks, focusing on active and reconfigurable elements that operate at, or below, the single-photon level. Together with the Shastri Lab, we also study the way in which our quantum systems can interface and augment photonic neural networks.