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Research Personnel

Principal Investigators

Queen's University

Brian Cumming, Ph.D. - cummingb@queensu.ca

Brian Cumming is a paleolimnologist, Biology professor at Queen's, Director of the School of Environmental Studies and co-director of the Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab (PEARL). Cumming’s research includes the development of quantitative models for environmental research particularly in areas of climate change, with emphasis on drought assessment, and forest fires.  Cumming’s expertise has resulted in frequent invited talks at international conferences and workshops. 



Kathleen Laird, Ph.D. - lairdk@queensu.ca

Kathleen is research associate at PEARL. She is the primary researcher of this project and will help to train the graduate and undergraduate students, and the research technician. Dr. Laird was the primary researcher for our previous lake-level work at ELA (see publications) and has conducted research in this field for over a decade.






Melanie Kingsbury, B.ScH.

MSc. Student, she will be exploring whether different types of lakes have a greater potential to provide sensitive lake-level records.







Mike Lewis, Ph.D.

Emeritus Scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada, is a lacustrine geoscientist who has done extensive research in the Great Lakes and other large lakes. He is in charge of the seismic data collection and interpretation.