Neighbourhood Safety

Walking home

Request Walkhome service when you are walking home late at night.

The Queen's SeQure app has a variety of services encouraging safety, including 'Walkhome', 'Friend Walk' and 'Safe Walk'. You can call Campus Security, 911, or Kingston Police directly through the app.

If you find yourself alone, call someone for the duration of your walk and share your location with close friends and family via your phone’s location services or Friend Walk in the SeQure App.

Stay aware

Develop a “buddy” system with your neighbours. Be alert for suspicious-looking strangers, sounds, or actions and notify the police at once.

Ensure your phone is well charged if you plan on walking alone. Be alert when walking (try not to be scrolling through your phone), be aware of vehicles and cross streets at marked intersections. 

Mailbox safety

Don’t place your full name on the mailbox or apartment directory; use first and middle initials instead.

Alternatively, you can mark your mailbox with your unit number/address as opposed to your name or initials. While it may be helpful to mail carriers, and can be helpful to ensure you receive the correct mail, many people recommend this strategy for privacy reasons. Disclosing your full name this way could lead to a safety risk. It is best to only disclose where you live to those that you are comfortable having this information. 

Well-lit areas

Maintain good lighting at all entrances and keep porch lights on at night.

Close your curtains or blinds at night to prevent strangers from seeing that you are alone.

Be aware of your surroundings when walking at night or in areas that you are unfamiliar with. Use public sidewalks when travelling to and from places to show respect for private property and increase safety. 

Answering the door

Have a peephole installed in your front door. Check to see who is at the door before answering, especially when home alone. Ask for proper identification from repair people, utility workers or strangers. Don’t be afraid of asking – if they are legitimate, they won’t mind. 

Consider installing a doorbell video camera to ensure your safety and have answers if anything is stolen off your porch.

Apartment buildings

If you live in an apartment building, do not enter or leave the building if you notice strangers loitering in the entranceway.

Don’t hold the door open or allow others to follow you inside unless they live in the building or have permission to enter from a tenant.

University District Safety Initiative

The University District Safety Initiative (UDSI) was established to reduce the strain put on emergency services during times when large street parties take place, particularly during move-in, orientation week, homecoming weekend, and St. Patrick's Day.

You can find an outline of the Nuisance Party Bylaw, the University District Safety Initiative, Administrative Monetary Penalties, and how to host responsibly here. 

City of Kingston UDSI

Holidays and summer vacation

If you leave for an extended period, take these extra precautions to protect your home:

  • Make sure all doors and windows are securely locked.
  • Close all blinds so strangers can’t see inside.
  • Hide electronics/other valuables or take these items with you.
  • Disconnect power cords and electrical appliances that will not be in use.
  • In the winter, turn down your heat, but not below 13 degrees. This will prevent your pipes from freezing while you are away.
  • Try to make your home look occupied by leaving a few lights on or setting up lamps on a timer.
  • Have your mail delivery temporarily held by Canada Post while you are away. 
  • Have a trusted friend or neighbour check on your property. Make sure they have a phone number to contact you in case of an emergency.