Have Fun. Be Safe.

Below you will find resources to help you be a responsible neighbour and community member.  You will also find university services that can provide support if you need it. Check out the Off-Campus Living Guide for more campus and community resources. Go to Student Wellness Services Resources webpage for alcohol harm reduction strategies, and more.

The City will enact the University District Safety Initiative (UDSI) from Aug. 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. to Sept. 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

University District Safety Initiative (UDSI)

City bylaw officers and police implement this program throughout the year when large street gatherings have typically taken place. This includes Move-In and Orientation, Homecoming, and St. Patrick's Day. Under the UDSI, individuals charged with certain offences may need to appear in court, no matter where they live.

City of Kingston University District Safety Initiative

Alcohol-Related Offences

Under Ontario's Liquor License and Control Act (LLCA), individuals can be charged and fined up to $1000 for:

  • Open Alcohol (including in a cup)
  • Being intoxicated in public
  • Underage drinking

Ontario Alcohol Related Laws

Fines, Sanctions, and Bylaws

Some city bylaws are in effect at all times, including the Noise and Nuisance Bylaws, and Administrative Monetary Penalties (fines). 

City of Kingston Nuisance Party Bylaw

City of Kingston Administrative Monetary Penalties

Bylaw violations can be related to:

  • Climbing – “brewfing”
  • Obstructing a roadway
  • Failure to comply with a bylaw or police officer
  • Excessive noise
Mitchell Hall

Student Wellness Services

Check Student Wellness Service's (SWS) website for their clinic hours and emergency resources.



Campus Observation Room (COR)

Our on-site non-medical detox service, located in Chez Lenny, across from the Leonard Dining Hall in Leonard Hall.

For hours of operation, visit the COR website

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Services

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Services

Build a community of consent. Together, we can create a campus free of sexual violence.

Learn more about Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Services