Estonia | Russian speakers


Table I: Organizational Forms

Minority groups Total Organizational form
Non Profit Public Central Public Local For Profit
Russian speakers in Estonia 454 218 11 213 12

Figure I: Organizational Forms

Table II: Organizational forms in proportions

Minority group Organizational form
Nonprofit Public Central Public Local For Profit
Russian speakers in Estonia 47% 2% 46% 3%

Figure II: Organizational forms in proportions

This chart visualizes the organizational form of Russian speakers' institutions. These institutions are almost equally split between nonprofits (47%) and institutions relying on funding from local authorities (46%). Of the remaining 5%, about 3% are for-profit organizations and 2% are funded by central governments.

Russian speaking youth with mouths taped shut participate in protest against national educational reform policy in front of the Parliament in Estonia, 2012 | © Andres Putting / Delphi.