Global Pathways to a Degree at Queen's

At Queen’s you can make your degree as unique as you are.

Taught by some of the finest academics in the world, you will be able to customize a program that meets your specific needs for career development and personal growth.


An available pathway for doctoral students at Queen's. A cotutelle is a customized program of study developed jointly by two institutions.

Students meet the degree requirements of each university’s doctoral programs; the student works with supervisors at each institution but prepares a single thesis. The thesis is examined by a committee drawn from faculty at each institution. The student is awarded two degree documents, and there is a notation on the transcripts indicating the cotutelle arrangement.

Ask the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs to Learn More

2+2 (Articulation) Agreements

Students complete two years at their home university and spend the next two years at Queen’s. They are awarded a degree from both universities.

Dual Degree or Double Degree

A master's level program of study offered by two or more universities. For successful completion, the requirements of each program must be met. The terms "dual" and "double" degrees are often used interchangeably.

  • Dual Degree in Chemistry with University of Stuttgart (Germany)

  • Dual Degree in Education with South China Normal University (China)

  • Dual Degree in Chemical Engineering with Zhejiang University (China)

Smith Business has an undergraduate Double Degree agreement with ESSEC (France).

At the Graduate Level, they have Double Degree options that enable students to earn a Queen’s Master of International Business and a second master’s degree from one of our global double degree partners:

  • University of Queensland, UQ Business School (Australia)
  • WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria)
  • Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
  • ESSEC Business School Paris Singapore (France)
  • University of Mannheim, Mannheim Business School (Germany)
  • Universitá Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)
  • Maastricht University, School of Business & Economics (Netherlands)
  • BI Norwegian Business School (Norway)
  • Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics (Portugal)
  • ESADE Business School (Spain)
  • City University London Cass Business School (United Kingdom)

Learn more about Smith Partners


English Language Preparation

The Queen's School of English has a range of programs (English for Academic Purposes and QBridge Accelerated) that help English language preparation prior to the start of a Queen's undergraduate degree program.

Learn More about the QBridge Pathway
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