McEwen, Jordan

Jordan McEwen

Jordan McEwen

Student Researcher

Department of Political Studies

Queen's University, St. Andrews Scotland

Jordan is a 2023 Queen’s graduate in Political Studies and Psychology. She has been working for the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations since January of 202, where her core research area is women in transnational crime, for which she is currently writing a paper. Outside of transnational crime, she is passionate about a broad range of topics including topics of international relations, political psychology, international law and education. Outside of her work, Jordan spends most of her time travelling. 

Karunakaran, Jaukatha

Jaukatha Karunakaran Picture

Jaukatha Karunakaran

Student Researcher

Queen's University

Faculty of Law

Juakatha recently completed her Juris Doctorate Degree at Queens University and will be articling at a criminal defence firm in the upcoming months.  She has been working with the IIGR for two years. She has been engaged in research projects on the relationship between transnational money laundering, terrorist resourcing, and gender roles in transnational money laundering schemes. 

Juakatha enjoys biking, hiking, learning new recipes, and dancing outside work.

Jenkins, Caitlyn

Caitlyn Jenkins

Caitlyn Jenkins

Research Coordinator

Institute of Intergovernmental Relations

Queen's University

Caitlyn graduated from Queen's with a major in Political Studies in 2023. Her current research interests include transnational money laundering and terrorist financing, bipartisanship in the Canadian government, civic engagement, foreign policy, and the role of non-state actors in shaping international institutions and norms.

This is Caitlyn’s fourth year working for IIGR, through which she has pursued projects on the relationship between transnational money laundering and cryptocurrency and on the nature of financial crime in the Canadian economy. Outside of school and work, Caitlyn enjoys reading, learning new languages, developing recipes in the kitchen, playing music, and getting out for walks in the city and in nature.

Let's Talk: A Conversation about Canada and Quebec

On November 20, 2017, the Queen’s Institute of Intergovernmental Relations hosted a one-day workshop on the Québec government’s Policy on Québec Affirmation and Canadian Relations Quebecers, our way of being Canadian. The event, entitled Let’s Talk: A Conversation about Canada and Quebec, was sponsored by the Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes, and featured Jean Marc-Fournier, the Québec Minister responsible for Canadian Relations and the Canadian Francophonie.

Book Launch - Indigenous Nationals, Canadian Citizens


Monday May 14, 2018
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


From First Contact to Canada 150 and Beyond

Massey College

Alan Cairns (1930-2018) – In Memoriam

Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Students,

It is with great sadness that we at the IIGR join in those morning the loss of Alan Cairns, whose intellectual contributions to the country are great. Cairns was a former IIGR Advisory Council member, and gave our 2002 Kenneth R. MacGregor Lecture, on the topic of First Nations and the Canadian State: In Search of Co-Existence (click link for the associated publication)