Brown, Douglas

Douglas Brown

Douglas Brown

Former Director

Political Science

St. Francis Xavier University

Douglas M. Brown is an Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. He is currently also the program coordinator of the Public Policy and Governance program at StFXU, associated with the Mulroney Institute of Government.

He has been a Fellow of the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations since 1997. From 1990 to 1993 he was the Executive Director of the Institute. From 1980-88, he held various positions in the Intergovernmental Affairs Secretariat of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Dr. Brown is the author and editor of over 30 publications related to Canadian federalism, intergovernmental relations, and regional issues. Many of these are available from the Institute's publications list. His latest project is completing the second edition of Contested Federalism: Certainty and Ambiguity in the Canadian Federation, co-authored with Herman Bakvis and Gerald Baier.

Areas of Expertise

  • Intergovernmental relations in Canada and other federations
  • Fiscal federalism in Canada and other federations
  • Federalism and climate change in Australia, Canada and the United States
  • Canadian regional politics - Atlantic Provinces

Allan, John R.

John R. Allan

Past Director and Fellow

Institute of Intergovernmental Relations

Dr. John R. Allan is Vice-President Emeritus and Professor of Economics Emeritus of the University of Regina. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, he settled with his parents in Hamilton, Ontario, where he studied at McMaster University, obtaining a B.A. (Hons.) degree in political economy. Graduate studies in economics were pursued at Princeton University, from which he received A.M. and Ph.D. degrees. While at Princeton he was a Ford Foundation Fellow. Since completing graduate studies, John’s career has alternated between academe and government. In addition to the University of Regina, he has been a member of the economics departments at the University of Saskatchewan, Queen’s University and McMaster University. He has also served in a senior executive capacity in the federal Department of Finance, with responsibilities in the areas of fiscal policy and tax policy, and in the Alberta Treasury Department. After retiring as Vice-President at the University of Regina, he was appointed Senior Policy Fellow at the Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy. Since returning to Kingston, John has been actively involved with the Queen’s Institute of Intergovernmental Affairs, serving as Associate Director and Interim Director. He was appointed a Fellow of the Institute in 2010.

Dr. Allan has published extensively in the field of public-sector economics, most particularly, tax policy. While in Ottawa, he chaired the Commodity Tax Review Group and the Federal-Provincial Committee of Officials on the Revenue Guarantee. He was also the senior economic advisor to the Select Committee of the Ontario Legislature on Tax Reform, and served as a special advisor to the province’s first Minister of Revenue. He was a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal.

Hamilton, Rhianna

Rhianna Hamilton

Rhianna Hamilton

Research Coordinator

Institute of Intergovernmental Relations

Rhianna grew up on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, before moving to Kingston to attend university at Queen's where she is now a fourth year Political Studies major and Global Development minor. Her core research interest in transnational environmental crime through which she is currently pursuing an undergraduate thesis. Other research interests of hers include international environmental policy, the role of the state in illicit financial flows, wildlife smuggling, crime syndicate mechanisms, and policy surrounding the Arctic and Antarctic natural resources. Rhianna has been working with the IIGR since Summer 2019 through which she has worked on projects related to money laundering, terrorist financing, and trans-Atlantic defence. 

When Rhianna is not working or studying, she spends her time acting as Co-Editor-in-Chief for Politicus Undergraduate journal, working with Greenovation's, enjoying nature through hiking and paddle-boarding, working on her painting, and trying to maintain house plants."

Wilson, Kumanan

Kumanan Wilson

Kumanan Wilson

Professor of Medicine


University of Ottawa

Dr. Kumanan Wilson (MD, MSc, FRCPC) is the Chief Executive Officer/Chief Scientific Officer of the Bruyère Research Institute, Vice-President Research & Academic, Bruyère Continuing Care, a specialist in general internal medicine and senior scientist at The Ottawa Hospital and Professor of Medicine at the University of Ottawa.  He holds the Faculty of Medicine Clinical Research Chair in Digital Health Innovation.  He is also the Chief Scientist of CANImmunize Inc., a digital immunization solutions company. 

Dr. Wilson has published extensively in the areas of digital health, immunization, pandemic preparedness, blood safety and health policy.   His work for the Institute has included examination of the role of federalism on public health policy domestically and internationally.  This has included overseeing a working paper series on public health federalism  and coordinating a conference with the WHO on public health emergency response in federal states.

Verrelli, Nadia

Nadia Verrelli

Nadia Verrelli

Associate Director (part-time)

B.A. Hons (York), M.A. (Queen's), Ph.D. (Carleton)

Institute of Intergovernmental Relations

Queen's University

Nadia Verrelli is a professor of political science at Laurentian University, and an ongoing research associate at the Institute for Intergovernmental Relations, Queen's University. She completed her doctorate in political science at Carleton University. In her dissertation she looks at how the Supreme Court of Canada understands Canadian federalism and how this understanding was used by the Court as a variable when it rendered its opinions in four key constitutional references: the Senate Reference, the Patriation Reference, the Quebec Veto Reference and the Secession Reference. She has taught various courses , including Quebec Politics, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Identity Politics and Canadian Constitutional Law. Currently she is working on a book exploring  court and police responses to domestic violence .

Recent Publications

  • Verrelli, Nadia (2017). “Searching for an Amending Formula: The 115-Year journey” in Emmett Macfarlane (ed) Constitutional Amendment in Canada. University of Toronto Press.
  • Chambers, L., and Verrelli, N. “A Missed Opportunity: The Investigation of the RCMP in Matters Related to R. v. Ryan”, Canadian Journal of Law and Society, (forthcoming, 32 (1) (spring 2017))
  • Baker, Richard and Verrelli, Nadia, “Smudging, drumming and the like do not a nation make”:Temporal Liminality and Delegitimization of Indigenous Protest in Canada, Journal of Canadian Studies, (forthcoming spring 2017)

Topolnytsky, Michael

Michael Topolnytsky

Michael Topolnytsky


Institute of Intergovernmental Relations

Queen's University

Michael Topolnytsky earned his BA (Hon) in Political Science from McGill University and an MBA from INSEAD and conducts research in organizational resilience and risk management. He is currently exploring the institutional effectiveness of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing efforts, with a focus on illicit resource flows through financial markets linked to political influencing and corruption in emerging markets, particularly Europe. Next to a professional career that has seen him serve as finance director in charge of compliance for a German unit of the Mercer group, Michael has been supporting anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine led by local and international civil society actors.

Hanniman, Kyle

Kyle Hanniman

Kyle Hanniman

Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Chair

Political Studies

Queen's University

Kyle Hanniman is an assistant professor of political studies at Queen’s University and a former associate director of the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations. His research interests include comparative federalism, political economy, public debt and Canadian politics and he is writing a book on fiscal federalism and market discipline of subnational governments. He completed his PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his BA at St. Thomas University. Before coming to Queen’s, he was a policy associate at the University of Toronto’s Mowat Centre; a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto’s Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance; and a visiting researcher at the European University Institute.


Grant, J. Andrew

J. Andrew Grant

J. Andrew Grant

Associate Professor

Political Studies

Queen's University

Dr. J. Andrew Grant is Associate Professor and Undergraduate Chair in the Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University. He specializes in analyzing multilateral approaches and multistakeholder initiatives that address governance challenges in natural resource sectors. In 2009, he was the first political scientist to receive an Early Researcher Award from the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Research and Innovation, which recognized his work on natural resource governance. His work has been published in Land Use Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Resources Policy, Extractive Industries and Society, Natural Resources Forum, International Journal of Environmental Studies, Social Science Quarterly, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, and International Studies Review, among other scholarly journals. Dr. Grant has been a Visiting Scholar/Researcher at Northwestern University, USA, and University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.