The Department of Gender Studies would like to express its great sorrow and anger about the horrific mass murder of three generations of a Muslim family in London, ON. We have no tolerance for Islamophobia or white supremacist hatred and violence. As we mourn the lives lost to yet another despicable racist attack, we stand by all the Muslim members of our communities. We call on Queen’s University and our political leaders —municipal, provincial and federal—to develop a strategy to eradicate anti-Muslim racism, to make our campus and our society safe and welcoming for Muslims. In the words of the National Council of Canadian Muslims, let "sorrow be the ground where we stand for justice and stand for change."
For those who would like to learn more about the systemic nature of Islamophobia in Canada, and Canadians’ responses of apathy and denial, we recommend Dr. Adnan Hussain’s podcast interview with Dr. Jasmin Zine, entitled “The Canadian Islamophobia Industry.”