The Beverley Baines Award for Outstanding Service in Gender, Women's and Feminist Studies
Presented annually to a student who has shown exceptional and notable service in the Department of Gender Studies.
Faculty Teaching Award
Awarded annually to faculty who are adjuncts, core or cross-appointed to Gender Studies and teach a GNDS course.
Kathleen A. Herman Prize in Gender Studies
Awarded each year to the student who submits the best essay/project in a Gender Studies course.
The R.S. McLaughlin Fellowship
Awarded to first class master's and doctoral students in all fields who are residents of Ontario.
Ontario Graduate Scholarship
The Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) are awarded to scholars from all disciplines with a high level of academic achievement.
Robert Sutherland Fellowship
Awarded to incoming Black Canadian students and other Canadian visible minority students.
The Poole Award in Women's and Gender Studies
Awarded to a Gender Studies MA student who has a demonstrated research interest in improving the status of women.
Graduate Entrance Tuition Award
Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to an incoming domestic Gender Studies MA student