Trish Salah
Associate Professor
Gender Studies
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Research interests: transgender/trans of colour theory, literature, and cultural productions; psychoanalysis and the psychoanalysis of race/gender/culture; postcolonial/decolonizing poetics and theory; sex workers' rights
Trish Salah’s research, teaching and supervision areas include postcolonial/decolonial, feminist, trans and queer poetics, literatures and theory, transnational transgender cultural production, psychoanalysis and affect theory, sex workers' rights movements, and un/popular cultures. Her current projects are Towards a Trans Minor Literature, an inquiry into the aesthetic and political projects of trans, transsexual, genderqueer and two-spirit writers, and Lyric Sexology, Vol. 2, a poetic exploration of colonial sexologies and phantasies of place-based sexuality.
Her first book of poetry, Wanting in Arabic, investigated the inscription of diasporic trans and queer subjectivities and the social, rhetorical and desiring labour of minority community formation. Her second book, Lyric Sexology Vol. 1, employs the lyric as a lens to read transgender fantasies encoded in feminist, autobiographical, anthropological, sexological and psychoanalytic archives.
Selected Publications
Lyric Sexology: Volume I. New York, NY: Roof Books, 2014. (2nd Edition. Montreal: Metonymy Press, 2017.)
Wanting in Arabic: Poems. Toronto: Tsar Publications, 2002. (2nd Edition. Toronto: Mawenzi House, 2013.)
Edited Journal Issues
Arc Poetry Magazine. “Polymorphous per Verse: Special Issue on Trans, Two Spirit and Non-Binary Writers.” Co-edited with Ali Blythe. 94 (Winter 2021).
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. “Special Issue on Trans* Cultural Production.” Co-edited with Julian Carter and David Getsy. 1.4 (Dec. 2014).
Canadian Review of American Studies. “Special Issue on Anne Marie MacDonald’s Fall on Your Knees.” Co-edited with Sara Matthews and Dina Georgis. 35.2 (2005).
“Transgender and Trans Genre Writing.” The Cambridge Companion to Twenty-First Century American Fiction. Joshua Miller, ed. Cambridge University Press, 2021: 174-195.
“Returning to Schreber: Trans Literature as Psychoanalysis.” Current Critical Debates in the Field of Transsexual Studies. Oren Gozlan, ed. New York: Routledge, 2018: 169-180.
“What Does Tiresias Want?” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. 4.4 (Fall 2017): 632-638.
“‘Time Isn’t After Us’: Some Tiresian Durations.” Somatechnics 7.1 (March 2017): 16-33.
“Reflections on Trans Organizing, Trade Unionism and Radical Communities.” Trans Activism in Canada: A Reader. D. Irving and R. Raj, eds. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press, 2014: 149-167.
“Introduction.” with Julian Carter and David Getsy. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. 1.4. Ed. Julian Carter, David Getsy and Trish Salah. (2014): 469-481.
“Notes on the Subaltern.” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. “Inaugural Issue: Keywords for Trans* Studies.” 1.1-2 (2014): 297-305.
“From Fans to Activists: Popular Feminism enlists in ‘The War on Terror’.” Muslim Women, Transnational Feminism and the Ethics of Pedagogy: Contested Imaginaries in post-9/11 Cultural Practice. Lisa Taylor and Jasmin Zine, eds. Routledge, 2014: 152-71.
“Working for Change: Sex Workers in the Union Struggle.” with J. Clamen and K. Gillies. Selling Sex: Canadian Academics, Advocates and Sex Workers in Dialogue. Emily van der Meulen, et al. eds. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2013: 113-129.
“Backlash to the Future: Re/Inscribing Transsexuality as Fundamentalism.” Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 25 (Spring 2011): 212-222.
“In Lieu of a Transgender Poetics.” Contemporary Feminist Poetics in Canada. Ed. Kate Eichorn and Barbara Godard. Spec. Issue of Open Letter. 13.9 (Summer 2009): 34-6.
“After Cissexual Poetry.” Contemporary Queer Poetics. Ed. Julian Brolaski. Spec. Issue of Aufgabe: Journal of Poetry. 8 (Summer 2009): 282-298.
“What’s all the Yap? Reading Mirha-Soleil Ross’ Performance of Activist Pedagogy.” Spoken Word Performance. Ed. Theresa Cowan and Ric Knowles. Spec. Issue of Canadian Theatre Review. 130 (Spring 2007): 64-71.
Prose/Poetry/Creative Nonfiction
“Forgetting" and "Small movements," Tripwire: A Journal of Poetics 17 (January, 2021): 151-152.
“Manifest,”, “What’s to come”, “Love poem.” We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics. Eds. Kay Gabriel and Andrea Abi-Karam. Nightboat Books, 2020: 398-404.
“Some Complete,” “Window or Bell,” “Prayer Glitch,” “Blurred Witness” “Trans +Queer Voices” Ed. Zeyn Joukhadar, Special Issue of Mizna. 20.2 (2020): 49-52.
“Gemmayze,” Bomb Cyclone Magazine (Jan. 2020) Web.
“Parallel Advances” The Puritan. 47 (December 2019) Web.
“guileless,” Arc Poetry Magazine. 89 (Summer 2019)
“provocations,” “Turning Looks (twice removed)” and “femme for femme,” Femmescapes. 5 August 2019
“Vaults then.” Thirteen: New Collected Poems from LGBTQI2S Writers in Canada. Writer’s Union of Canada. (2019)
“Play Animals.” Cordite Poetry Review. 88 (2019)
“Currently in stock,” “Changes to section six,” and “Palm Reading.” Action, Spectacle 1.1 (2018)
“What I remember.” Prism International 57.1 (2018) (2 pages).
“Dragging Badly Behind” and “Femmesub.” Anomaly 26 (Winter 2018) (5 pages). Web.
“Poem for Suhair Hammad.” Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism. Edited by Danielle Barnhart and Iris Mahan. New York: Or Books, 2018: 151-152.
“Croesus, at least in name,” “Ripple, Angel Quake,” “Subclinical Routine #11” Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. 22.1 (2017): 11-13, 85-86, 155-158.
“It Can Grow!!!” Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers. Edited by Casey Plett and Cat Fitzpatrick. New York: Topside Press, 2017: 62-71.
“Third Meaning, 3rd” Vetch: a magazine of Trans poetry and poetics. 3 (Fall 2016): 17-20.
“Halving and Being” Sinister Wisdom. 101 (Summer 2016): 58-63.