Entrance to St. John's Harbour, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Newfoundland and Labrador Resources

Start Here

APTN's First Contact (documentary-series) 

Tanya Talaga's Massey Lectures

Indigenous Peoples in Newfoundland and Labrador

Statistics Canada Fact Sheet for Aboriginals Peoples in Newfoundland and Labrador

Indigenous cultures recognized or seeking recognition in Newfoundland and Labrador today

Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. 2012. Land claims

Reserve nearest to Memorial University campus

Tanner, Adrian. 1998. The Aboriginal Peoples of Newfoundland and Labrador and Confederation. Newfoundland and Labrador Studies. Special Issue on Confederation 14(2): 238-252.

Tulk, Janice Esther. 2008. “Our Strength Is Ourselves": Identity, Status, and Cultural Revitalization. M.A. Thesis, School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland. ISBN: 978-0-494-47919-3.

Nain, Sheshatshiu, and Miawpukek (Conne River)

Hanrahan, Maura. 2003. The Lasting Breach: The Omission of Aboriginal People from the Terms of Union between Newfoundland and Canada and its Ongoing Impacts. Royal Commission on Renewing and Strengthening Our Place in Canada.

Innu Nation

Miawpukek First Nation

Nunatsiavut Kavamanga

NunatuKavut Community Health Needs Assessment

Qalipu Application Guidelines

The Qalipu Status First Nations people

Hurley, M.C. and R.C. Gordon. 2009. The Indian Act. Ottawa: Government of Canada.

Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band. 2011. Formation of Qalipu.

Robinson, Angela. 2012. ‘Being and Becoming Indian’: Mi'kmaw Cultural Revival in the Western Newfoundland Region. The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 32(1): 1-31.

The Federal Government and the Residential School System

Aboriginal Education Research Center. 2007. Aboriginal Education Resources.

Barman, Jean and Thorne, Rachel. 2012. "Schooled for Inequality: The education of British Columbia Aboriginal children." In Schooling in Transition: Readings in Canadian History of Education.

Milloy, John Sheridan. 1999. A national crime: The Canadian Government and the Residential School System, 1879 to 1986. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. See especially Chapter 2.

Mosby, Ian. 2013. Administering Colonial Science: Nutrition Research and Human Biomedical Experimentation in Aboriginal Communities and Residential Schools, 1942–1952. Social History. 46(91): 146-172.

Regan, Paulette. 2010. Unsettling the Settler Within: Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Ottawa, Newfoundland and Labrador residential school survivors reach $50 million settlement

Newfoundland and Labrador residential school claimants want apology

Sellars, Bev. 2013. They Called Me Number OneVancouver, BC: Talonbooks. 

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

Who is affected by treaties?

Epp, Roger. 2008. We Are All Treaty People: Prairie Essays. Calgary: University of Alberta Press.

Langton, Marcia, ed. 2006. Settling with Indigenous people: Modern treaty and agreement-making. Annandale, NWT, Australia: The Federation Press.

Morse, Brad W. 1994. "View from the North: Aboriginal and Treaty Issues in Canada." Thomas Law Review. 7: 671.

Usher, Peter J., Frank J. Tough, and Robert M. Galois. 1992. "Reclaiming the land: Aboriginal title, treaty rights and land claims in Canada." Applied Geography. 12(2): 109-132.

Wilson, Jamie. Sept. 7th, 2013. In Canada we are all ‘treaty people’. Winnipeg Free Press.

Peace and Friendship Treaties prior to 1779

Allen, Robert. 1996. His Majesty's Indian Allies: British Indian Policy in the Defence of Canada 1774-1815. Toronto: Dundurn Press Ltd.

Devere, Heather; Mark, Simon; and Verbitsky, Jane. 2011. A history of the language of friendship in international treaties. International Politics. 48(1): 46 – 70.

Ross, Robbie Alexander. 2001. The irony of the Marshall ruling: Using the Maritime Peace and Friendship Treaties to dissolve Mi'kmaq communal life. PhD diss., University of New Brunswick.

Stopp, Marianne P. 2002. Reconsidering Inuit presence in southern Labrador. Études/Inuit/Studies. 26(2):71-106.

The Labrador Treaty of 1765.

Spoken and endangered Indigenous languages in Canada 

Chandler, Michael J. and Christopher Lalonde.1998. Cultural Continuity as a Hedge against Suicide in Canada’s First Nations. Transcultural Psychiatry. 35: 191.

Frideres, James S. 2011. First Nations in the Twenty-First Century. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

Kirkness, Verna J. 1998. "The Critical State of Aboriginal Languages in Canada." Canadian Journal of Native Education. 22(1): 93-107.

Krauss, Michael. 1996. "Status of Native American language endangerment." Stabilizing indigenous languages. 16-21.

Langlois, Stéphanie. 2012. "Aboriginal Languages in Canada." 2011 Census of population. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Norris, Mary Jane. 2011. "Aboriginal Languages in Urban Canada: A Decade in Review, 1996 to 2006." Aboriginal Policy Studies 1(2): 4-67.

Resource List for Endangered Aboriginal Languages

Members of NunatuKavut

Brunger, Fern and Julie Bull. 2011. Whose agenda is it? Regulating health research ethics in Labrador. Études/Inuit/Studies. 35(1-2): 127-142.

Hanrahan, Maura. "Journeying back: understanding, reclamation and recovery through research with Indigenous people."

Martin, Debbie H. 2011. “Now we got lots to eat and they’re telling us not to eat it”: Understanding changes to south-east Labrador Inuit relationships to food." International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 70 (4): 384-95.

NunatuKavut, Our ancient land.

Rankin, Lisa, Matthew Beaudoin, and Natalie Brewster. 2012. “Southern Exposure: The Inuit of Sandwich Bay, Labrador.” In Settlement, Subsistence, and Change Among the Labrador Inuit: The Nunatsiavummiut Experience. Ed. David C. Natcher et al. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 85.

Stopp, Marianne P. 2002. Reconsidering Inuit presence in southern Labrador. Études/Inuit/Studies. 26(2): 71-106.

Canada's Constitution (1982)

Borrows, John. 1997. "Frozen rights in Canada: Constitutional interpretation and the trickster." American Indian Law Review. 22(1): 37-64.

McNeil, Kent. 1982. "The Constitutional Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada." Supreme Court Law Review. 4: 255-265.

Slattery, Brian. 1982. "The Constitutional guarantee of Aboriginal and treaty rights." Queen's Law Journal. 8: 232.

The Constitution Act of 1982

Canadian Indigenous artists 

Chauvin, Zachary G. April 2013. "Aboriginal Biographies: Political Leaders/Artist." Resource Links. 18:4: 34.

New, William H., ed. 1990. Native writers and Canadian writing. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Melnyk, Rebecca. June 21st, 2013. "Six emerging Aboriginal artists in Canada who are inspiring change."

National Post. June 21, 2013.

Indigenous Artists:

Norval Morrisseau

Bill Reid

Daphne Odjig

John Terriak

Rita Joe

Non-Indigenous Artists:

Ian MacLeod

Laura Warburton

Dave Sim

Jean-Paul Riopelle

Robert Glenn

Maria Curcic

Amaud Maggs

A. Y. Jackson

E.J. Hughes

Don Li-Leger

Emily Carr

William Kurelek

Edward Burtynsky

First Nations, Métis or Inuit authors

Thomas King. See also: Thomas King

Daniel David Moses. See also: Daniel David Moses

Tomson Highway. See also: Tomson Highway

Maria Campbell. See also: Maria Campbell

Michael Kusugak. See also: Michael Kusugak

Richard Wagamese. See also: Richard Wagamese

Sheila Watt-Cloutier. See also: Sheila Watt-Cloutier 

Leanne Simpson

Check out Indigenous filmmakers on CBC's 8th Fire 

Some significant Canadian Indigenous musicians and bands

Keillor, Elaine. 1995. 'The emergence of postcolonial musical expressions of Aboriginal peoples within Canada." Cultural Studies. 9(1): 106-124.

2011 Winners of the Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards

Indigenous Musicians:

Susan Aglukark

Buffy Sainte-Marie

Art Napoleon


Non-Indigenous Musicians:

Age of Daze

Justin Hines

Jimmy Chi, Munkimuk

Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu

Moana and the Moahunters



Lady Gaga

Nisga’a land claim settlement

Mills, Antonia Curtze. 1994. Eagle Down is Our Law: The Witsuwit'en Law, Feasts, and Land Claims. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Province of British Columbia - Nisga'a Tribal Council - Government of Canada: Nisga'a Final Agreement. International Legal Materials. 37: 6, 11/1998): 1258 - 1295 ISSN 0020-7829

Rynard, Paul. 2000. “Welcome In, but Check Your Rights at the Door": The James Bay and Nisg_a'a Agreements in Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science. 33(2): 211-244.

Sanders, Douglas. 1999. "We Intend to Live Here Forever: A Primer on the Nisga'a Treaty." University of British Columbia Law Review. 33: 103.

Usher, Peter J. 2003. "Environment, race and nation reconsidered: Reflections on Aboriginal land claims in Canada." The Canadian Geographer. 47(4): 365-382.

The Athabasca tar sands development

Thompson, Niobe, and Tom Radford. "To the Last Drop." Documentary on Fort Chippewyan and effects from bitumen industry. Al Jazeera.

Linnitt, Carol. "The Beaver Lake Cree Judgment: The Most Important Tar Sands Case You’ve Never Heard Of." DesmogCanada. May 24, 2013.

Thomas-Müller, Clayton. March 6th, 2008. "Tar Sands, Environmental justice, treaty rights and Indigenous Peoples." Canadian Dimension.

Urquhart, Ian. November 2010. "Between the Sands and a Hard Place?: Aboriginal Peoples and the Oil Sands." Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies Working Paper: Energy Series, # 10-005.

Westman, Clinton. 2013. "Social Impact Assessment and the Anthropology of the Future in Canada's Tar Sands." Human Organization. 72(2): 111. ISSN 0018-7259

Legal Definitions of “Status”

Coates, K. (2008). The Indian Act and the Future of Aboriginal Governance in Canada. Research Paper for the National Centre for First Nations Governance.

Indian Status and Band Membership Issues

Got Status? Indian Status in Canada explained, sort of.

Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs Position Paper

Supreme Court Ruling on the rights of Métis off-reserve Indians

Métis and non-status Indians are all ‘Indians’ Supreme Court rules

First Nations people off reserve in Canada

Gionet, Linda. 2009. "First Nations people: Selected findings of the 2006 Census." Canadian Social Trends. 87: 52-59.

Lawrence, Bonita. 2004. "Real" Indians and Others: Mixed-blood Urban Native Peoples and Indigenous Nationhood. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.

Peters, Evelyn and Chris Andersen. 2013. Indigenous in the City: Contemporary Identities and Cultural Innovation. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Statistics Canada. 2011. Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: First Nations People, Métis and Inuit.

Indigenous people not recognized in Newfoundland's Confederation

Hanrahan, Maura. 2003. "The Lasting Breach: The Omission of Aboriginal People from the Terms of Union between Newfoundland and Canada and its Ongoing Impacts." Royal Commission on Renewing and Strengthening Our Place in Canada.

Malone, Greg. 2012. Don't tell the Newfoundlanders. The true story of Newfoundland's Confederation with Canada. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada.

The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP, 1996)

Andersen, Chris and Claude Denis. 2003. "Urban Natives and the nation: Before and after the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples." Canadian Review of Sociology. 40(4): 373-390.

Borrows, John. 2000."Domesticating doctrines: Aboriginal peoples after the Royal Commission."McGill Law Journal 46: 615.

Castellano, Marlene Brant. 2002. "Renewing the relationship: A perspective on the impact of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples." Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development.

Erasmus, George and René Dussault.1996. "People to people, nation to nation: highlights from the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples." Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa: Government of Canada.

Government of Canada. 1996. Royal Commission Report on Aboriginal Peoples.

Land, L. Y. 2001. Gathering dust or gathering strength: What should Canada do with the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal peoples? Blindspots: Perspectives on the Federal Government's Response to the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa: Aboriginal Rights Coalition.

Indigenous population in Canada

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. August 30th, 2013. Canadians in Context - Aboriginal Population.

The Prime Minister's Apology concerning Indian Residential Schools on 11 June 2008

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). June 11, 2008. "Federal apology will ring hollow: Labrador Inuit."

Corntassel, Jeff and Cindy Holder. 2008. Who’s sorry now? Government apologies, truth commissions, and Indigenous self-determination in Australia, Canada, Guatemala, and Peru. Human Rights Review 9(4): 465-489.

Henderson, Jennifer and Pauline Wakeham. 2009. "Colonial reckoning, national reconciliation? Aboriginal peoples and the culture of redress in Canada." ESC: English Studies in Canada. 35(1): 1-26.

James, Matt. 2008. "Wrestling with the past: apologies, quasi-apologies, and non-apologies in Canada." In The age of apology: Facing up to the past. Ed. M. Gibney et al. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 137.

Dorell, M. (2009). From Reconciliation to Reconciling: Reading What “We Now Recognize” in the Government of Canada’s 2008 Residential Schools Apology. ESC, 35(1), 27-45.

On the problems of the Apology

MacKinnon, S. (2012) Fast Facts: The Harper 'apology': Residential schools and Bill C-10. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

The Statement of Apology

The national organizations of Inuit, Innu and Mi’kmaq

Inuit National Organization

Mi’kmaq, Innu and Qalipu National Organization

NunatuKavut National Organization

Our Labrador

Kennedy, John C. (2015). Being and becoming Inuit in Labrador. Études/Inuit/Studies, 39(1) 2015, 225-242.

Indigenous languages of Newfoundland and Labrador

Hanrahan, Maura. Who Are the Aboriginal Peoples of Newfoundland and Labrador?

Statistics Canada. August 30th, 2013. Aboriginal peoples, languages and cultures.

Thorburn, Jennifer. 2006. "Language Attitudes and Use in the Innu Community of Sheshatshiu, Labrador." MA Thesis: Department of Linguistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

MacKenzie, Marguerite (2013). An Innu Dictionary for All. Newfoundland Quarterly, 106(1), 49.

The Language of the Montagnais and Naskapi in Labrador

Innu Dictionaries

Labrador Inuttut Dictionary

Impact of the 1918 Spanish influenza

Mamelund, Svenn-Erik, Lisa Sattenspiel, and Jessica Dimka. 2013. "Influenza-Associated Mortality during the 1918–1919 Influenza Pandemic in Alaska and Labrador: A Comparison." Social Science History. 37(2): 177-229.

Palmer, Craig T., Lisa Sattenspiel, and Chris Cassidy. 2007. "Boats, trains, and immunity: the spread of the Spanish flu on the island of Newfoundland." Newfoundland and Labrador Studies. 22(2): 1-27.

Relocations of Inuit and Innu and Mi’kmaq populations

Burns, Aušra. 2006. "Moving and Moving Forward: Mushuau Innu Relocation from Davis Inlet to Natuashish." Acadiensis. 64-84.

Canadian Human Rights Commission. 2003. Treatment of the Innu of Labrador by the Government of Canada. Report to the Canadian Human Rights Commission on the Treatment of the Innu of Labrador by the Government of Canada.

Dalsbø, Elisabeth Thørring. 2010. " We were told we were going to live in houses": Relocation and housing of the Mushuau Innu of Natuashish from 1948 to 2003." M.A. Thesis, Department of Indigenous Studies, University of Tromsø.

Evans, Peter. 2012. "Abandoned and Ousted by the State: The Relocations from Nutak and Hebron, 1956–1959." In Settlement, Subsistence, and Change Among the Labrador Inuit: The Nunatsiavummiut Experience. Eds. David C. Natcher et al. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 85.

The Innu tea doll

Butland, Grace. 2001. "Labrador Tea Dolls - Steeped in History." Saltscapes.

Byrne, Nympha and Camille Fouillard, eds. 2000. It's like the legend: Innu women's voices. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Samson, Colin. 2000. "Teaching lies: The Innu experience of schooling." London Journal of Canadian Studies. 16: 84-102.

The 1876 Indian Act

Borrows, John. May 2008. Seven generations, seven teachings: Ending the Indian Act. Research Paper for the National Centre for First Nations Governance.

Cannon, Martin. 2006. "An Act to Amend the Indian Act 1985 and the Accommodation of Sex Discriminatory Policy." Canadian Review of Social Policy. 56: 40.

Iacovetta, Franca and Heidi Bohaker. 2009. "Making Aboriginal People 'Immigrants Too': A Comparison of Citizenship Programs for Newcomers and Indigenous Peoples in Postwar Canada, 1940s-1960s." Canadian Historical Review. 90(3): 427 – 461.

Lawrence, Bonita. 2003. "Gender, race, and the regulation of native identity in Canada and the United States: An overview." Hypatia. 18(2): 3-31.

Lawrence, Bonita. 2004. Real Indians and others: Mixed-blood urban Native peoples and Indigenous nationhood. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.

LePage, Pierre. "Assimilation: Not a Hidden Objective." In Aboriginal Peoples: Fact & Fiction. Montreal. Commisssion des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse.

Mathias, Joe and Gary R. Yabsley. 1991. "Conspiracy of legislation: The Suppression of Indian rights in Canada." BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly. 89: 34-45.

Sawchuk, Joe. 2001. "Negotiating an identity: Métis political organizations, the Canadian Government, and competing concepts of aboriginality." The American Indian Quarterly. 25(1): 73-92.

Thobani, Sunera.2007. Exalted subjects: Studies in the making of race and nation in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Systemic Racism

Forms of Racism: Individual and Systemic Racism

Hutchings, C. (2002).Canada’s First Nations: A Legacy of Institutional Racism

Aboriginal groups fume when ‘systematic racism’ not explored for reason behind man’s death after waiting 34 hours in ER

Systemic Racism and Aboriginal women

Indigenous teachings about land

Akiwenzie-Damm, Kateri. 1996. "We Belong To This Land - A View of 'Cultural Difference'." Journal of Canadian Studies. 31(3): 21-28.

Berneshawi, Suzanne. 1997. "Resource Management and the Mi'kmaq Nation." Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 17(1): 115-148.

Castellano, Marlene Brant. 2000. “Updating Aboriginal traditions of knowledge." In Indigenous knowledges in global contexts: Multiple readings of our world. Eds. Bud L. Hall et al. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 21-36.

Cizek, P. 1993. "Guardians of Manomin - Aboriginal self-management of wild-rice harvesting." Alternatives: Perspectives on society technology and environment. 19 (3): 29 – 32.

Simpson, Leanne. 2002. "Indigenous environmental education for cultural survival." Canadian Journal of Environmental Education. 7(1): 13.

Turner, Nancy, Marianne Boelscher Ignace, and Ronald Ignace. 2000. "Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Wisdom of Aboriginal Peoples in British Columbia." Ecological Applications. 10(5): 1275-1287.

Indigenous conceptions of health and well-being

Aboriginal Medicine and Healing Practices

Legal precedents and the Royal Proclamation of 1763

Borrows, John. 1994. "Constitutional law from a First Nation perspective: Self-government and the Royal Proclamation." University of British Columbia Law Review. 28: 1.

Borrows, John. 1994. “Wampum at Niagara: The Royal Proclamation, Canadian legal history, and self-government.” In Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada. Ed. M. Asch. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Slattery, Brian. 1992. "The legal basis of Aboriginal title." 113-132.

Canadian Indigenous athletes

Aboriginal Canadian personalities

Indigenous Athletes:

Tom Longboat

Janice Forsyth

Everett Sanipass

Richard Peter

Jordin Tootoo

Non-Indigenous Athletes:

Jarome Iginla

Katarina Roxon

Justin Hearn

Michael Adam

Edwin Encarnacion

Michael Carp

Nick Green

Dylan Axelrod

Travis Hafner

Stephen Roche

Eddy Merckx

Greg Lemond

Andy Hampsten

Adrie Visser

Indigenous politicians in Newfoundland and Labrador

Indigenous political figures in Newfoundland and Labrador

Todd Russell

Peter Penashue

Patty Pottle

Randy Edmunds

Mi’sel Joe

Yvonne Jones

Non-Indigenous political figures in Newfoundland and Labrador

Danny Williams

Joey Smallwood

Hugh Palliser

John Crosbie

Richard Squires

Kathy Dunderdale

Lorraine Michael

Peter Cashin

Clyde Wells

Dwight Ball

Rex Murphy

Roger Grimes

William Coaker

Frederick C. Alderdice

William Warrender Mackenzie

Gus Duffy

Charles Fox Bennett

The Canadian state and private mining companies

Bartlett, R. 1983. Mineral Rights on Indian Reserves." Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 3(2): 9-23.

Keith, R. 1996. "Aboriginal Communities and Mining." Northern Perspectives. 23 (3/4): 1-20.

MiningWatch Canada. July 18, 2012. Introduction to the Legal Framework for Mining in Canada.

Notzke, Claudia. 1994. Aboriginal People and Natural Resources in Canada. Toronto: Captus Press.

Resettlement of Indigenous peoples in North America

Billson, Janet Mancini. 1990. "Opportunity or tragedy: The impact of Canadian resettlement policy on Inuit families." American Review of Canadian Studies. 20(2): 187-218.

Bussidor, I. and Ü. Bilgen-Reinart. 1997. Night Spirits: The story of the relocation of the Sayisi Dene. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.

Natcher, David C., Lawrence Felt, and Andrea Proctor. Eds. 2012. ce=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=falseSettlement, Subsistence, and Change among the Labrador Inuit. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.

Ronda, J. P. 1999. "We Have a Country": Race, Geography, and the Invention of Indian Territory." Journal of the Early Republic. 19(4): 739-755.

Samson, Colin. 2003. A Way of Life that Does Not Exist: Canada and the Extinguishment of the Innu. London: Verso Press.

Educational assistance for Indigenous people in Canada

Michael Mendelson. July 2006. "Aboriginal Peoples and Postsecondary Education in Canada." Caledon Institute of Social Policy.

Godlewska, Anne M. C., Schaefli, Laura M., and Chaput, Paul J. A. 2013. "First Nations assimilation through neoliberal educational reform." The Canadian Geographer (Special Issue: Critical Geographies of Education). 57(3): 271–279.

First Nations and Inuit Post-Secondary Funding

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada: Post Secondary Student Support Program.

Students call on Federal government to honour treaty rights to post-secondary education.

Myths and Facts about Aboriginal Peoples: Education

Churchill Falls development and the Muskrat Falls development from Indigenous perspectives

Crabb, P. 1973. "Churchill Falls—The Costs and Benefits of a Hydro-Electric Development Project.' Geography. 58(4): 330-335.

Storey, Keith, Larry Felt, and David Vardy. 2011. "Action Canada Papers on Labrador Mining, Aboriginal Governance and Muskrat Falls-An Overview of Mining Activity in Labrador."

Aboriginal Reserves

Indian Reserves

BC Treaty Commission.

On Reserves

Land Rights.

Outstanding land or status claims in Newfoundland and Labrador

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. 2013. Land claims. Ottawa: Government of Canada.

Alcantara, Christopher. 2007. "Explaining Aboriginal Treaty Negotiation Outcomes in Canada: The Cases of the Inuit and the Innu in Labrador." Canadian Journal of Political Science. 40(1): 185-207.

The Labrador Treaty of 1765.

Land claims in Canada

Labrador Inuit Lands Claims Agreement

Asch, M. 1997. Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada: Essays on Law, Equality and Respect to Difference. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Coates, Kenneth. 1992. Aboriginal Land Claims in Canada: A regional perspective. Toronto: Addison-Wesley Pub Co.

Usher, Peter J. 2003. "Environment, race and nation reconsidered: Reflections on Aboriginal land claims in Canada." The Canadian Geographer. 47(4): 365-382.

Usher, Peter J., Frank J. Tough, and Robert M. Galois. 1992. "Reclaiming the land: Aboriginal title, treaty rights and land claims in Canada." Applied Geography. 12(2): 109-132.

Idle No More

Idle No More website

Peace, Tom. January 4th, 2013. Ten Books to Contextualize Idle No More.

Peace and Friendship Treaties

Allen, Robert. 1996. His Majesty's Indian Allies: British Indian Policy in the Defence of Canada 1774-1815. Toronto: Dundurn Press.

Stopp, Marianne P. 2002. "Reconsidering Inuit presence in southern Labrador." Études/Inuit/Studies. 26(2): 71-106.

The Labrador Treaty of 1765. 

Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage. The History of the Newfoundland Mi'kmaq.

The Powwow

Barry, Nancy H. and Paula Conlon. 2003. "Powwow in the classroom." Music Educators Journal. 90(2): 21-26.

Corrigan, Samuel W. 1970. "The Plains Indian powwow: Cultural integration in Manitoba and Saskatchewan." Anthropologica. 12(2): 253-277.

Mattern, Mark. 1996. "The powwow as a public arena for negotiating unity and diversity in American Indian life." American Indian Culture and Research Journal. 20(4): 183-201.

Inuit in a changing world

Martin, Debbie H. 2011. “Now we got lots to eat and they’re telling us not to eat it”: Understanding changes to south-east Labrador Inuit relationships to food." International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 70 (4): 384-95.

Climate Change Impact is a way of looking at the effects climate change has on the people and environment of Nunavut, over time.

Adaptation is the way we change our behaviour to deal with the impacts of climate change. In Nunavut, that can mean anything from finding new hunting routes as sea levels change to altering the way we build our homes as permafrost thaws. 

Inuit must adapt to climate change

The Inuit Way: A Guide to Inuit Culture, Produced by Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada

Indian Act discrimination against First Nations and Métis women

Bonita, Lawrence. 2004. Real Indians and others: Mixed-blood urban Native peoples and Indigenous nationhood. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.

Cannon, Martin John. 2005. "Bill C-31: An Act to Amend the Indian Act: Notes Toward a Qualitative Analysis of Legislated Injustice." The Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 25(1): 373-387.

Cannon, Martin. 2006. "An Act to Amend the Indian Act 1985 and the Accommodation of Sex Discrimination Policy." Canadian Review of Social Policy. 56: 40.

Mathias, Joe and Gary R. Yabsley. 1991. "Conspiracy of legislation: the Suppression of Indian rights in Canada." BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly. 89: 34-45.

Weaver, Sally. 1993. “First Nations Women and Government Policy, 1970-92: Discrimination and Conflict.” In Changing Patterns: Women in Canada. Second ed. Eds. S. Burt, et al. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Inc., 92-150

Positive changes steered by First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples

Enabling the Autumn Seed: Toward a Decolonized Approach to Aboriginal Knowledge, Language, and Education

Aboriginal Language Preservation

Aboriginal Self Government

In a first for a Canadian court, the SCC recognizes Aboriginal title for Tsilhqotin Nation

First Nations Self Government

Castellano, M. B., Archibald, L. (2013). Healing Historic Trauma: A Report From The Aboriginal Healing Foundation. Volume 4: Moving Forward, Making a Difference. White, J. P. et. al.

At the Crossroads video (8th Fire series)

Reclaiming Identity: Band Membership, Citizenship and the Inherent Right

Aboriginals reclaiming their heritage and culture

Aboriginal business: promise and prosperity

An account of 10 successful Aboriginal businesses

Aboriginal Peoples and post-secondary education. See also: http://www.caledoninst.org/publications/pdf/595eng.pdf