Mobile Laboratory Set-Up DYE-M

2005 - 2009

This report describes the work carried out by ASU in support of the DYE-M project. Over 6000 samples were analyzed for metals at the on-site laboratory.

Picture 1: Mobile Laboratory – DYE-M

A PANalytical Minipal-4, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence instrument (EDXRF)) and two AAS spectrometers were available to maximize the laboratories capacity (for metals analysis) and to ensure a rapid turnaround of high priority lead leachate samples.

Picture 2: Location of DYE-M site

Picture 3: XRF Calibrations for As, Cu, Pb and Zn.

Picture 4: Initial setup in mobile lab 1

A Varian AA280FS (fast sequential AA) was used primarily for the analysis of cadmium, chromium, cobalt and nickel and a Varian AA240 AA with vapor generation accessory (VGA) and an electrothermal furnace unit (ETC-60) for the determination of arsenic by the technique of hydride generation.

The project was successfully concluded in 2009 with >97% of samples analyzed within 3 days of receipt. This included the drying step (overnight) and acid digestion (4 hours, 95oC).