Art History Professor Emeritus Pierre du Prey co-authors award-winning book

Congratulations to Queen's Art History Professor Emeritus Pierre du Prey and co-author Anatole Tchikine, who received the Elisabeth Blair MacDougall Award from the Society of Architectural Historians for their book, Francesco Ignazio Lazzari's Discrizione della villa pliniana: Visions of Antiquity in the Landscape of Umbria (Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections, 2021).

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Department Head Norman Vorano interviewed on "The Unfinished Print" podcast

The latest episode of Andre Zadoroznky's popular podcast, The Unfinished Print -- a deep dive about the art of Japanese woodblock printing or mokuhanga -- features an interview with Dr. Norman Vorano, Head of the Department of Art History & Art Conservation. Prof. Vorano discusses "Inuit Printmaking and Mokuhanga: the Value of Old Traditions".

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Congratulations, Art History 3-Minute Thesis competitors!

Last week the Department held its Art History Three-Minute Thesis Competition, with guest judges Adrian Kelly (Office of Research Services) and James Fraser (Associate Dean, graduate, FAS). Congratulations to all speakers, particularly the top five:

  • Hailey Chomos
  • Ariel Lacombe
  • Madeleine Dempster
  • Annelies Verellen
  • Caroline Cotter

Cotter and Verellen will participate in the Queen's University-wide 3MT competition finals on March 22, 2023. Congratulations to our amazing students!

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Art History Ph.D. student awarded SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship

Ph.D. student Béatrice Cloutier-Trepanier has been awarded a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, to continue her research on American painter Lee Lozano. Cloutier-Trepanier is supervised by Prof. Jen Kennedy, and her postdoctoral project is tentatively titled, "Lee Lozano in (Feminist) Conversations", exploring Lozano's connection to emergent transnational and queer feminisms through her relationships with Yoko Ono and Yvonne Rainer, respectively. Congratulations to Béatrice on this competitive award!

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