320 Ontario Hall
The Winifred Ross Multi-Media Room (WRMMR) exists to support the teaching, learning and research activities of the Department of Art History & Art Conservation. It is intended for work and project related purposes only.
Art History and Art Conservation students, staff & faculty are entitled to utilize the lab by appointment for work/course related projects. Students are given priority within this space.

Students and faculty using the Winifrid Ross Multi-Media Room.
The WRMMR is equipped with 4 Mac computer workstations equipped with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
Please Note:
- At the end of each term, all files that have been saved/downloaded to computers in the WRMMR will be erased.
- The WRMMR is a public space. Please keep in mind that if you are working on something confidential it is your responsibility to delete it.
- The WRMMR will no longer be renting out any equipment/adaptors.
- The staff of the WRMMR performs random checks of the saved files on the computers and will remove any files that are deemed inappropriate by Queen’s regulations.
Hours of Operation:
By appointment: please email Jenna Simeonov, Communications & Office Assistant at jms31@queensu.ca.