Professor Hill and Stewart taught a course for the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

Professor Rosaleen Hill was in Iqaluit, Nunavut second week of February, 2016. She, along with her colleague Kelly Stewart, taught the fourth of four archives and digital preservation courses for the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation. Iqaluit in February is amazing – cold, fantastic northern lights, and warm people!

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Creation of a virtual museum of Mediterranean antiquities

Mediterranean antiquitiesArtifacts Conservation students, Mikaela Marchuk and Gyllian Porteous, under the supervision of Amandina Anastassiades, Professor of Artifact Conservation, are assisting with the creation of a virtual museum of Mediterranean antiquities. This project is led by Dr. George Bevan and students Kristen Jones and Marissa Monette in the Department of Classical Studies.

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Library tour

Library TourToday the Artifacts Conservation students, Mikaela Marchuk and Gyllian Porteous, under the supervision of Amandina Anastassiades, Professor of Artifact Conservation, are assisting with the creation of a virtual museum of Mediterranean antiquities. This project is led by Dr. George Bevan and students Kristen Jones and Marissa Monette in the Department of Classical Studies.

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Art Conservation hosts "Exhibition Lighting" workshop

Last week the Art Conservation Program hosted the two-day Canadian Conservation Institute 'Exhibition Lighting' Workshop. Thank you to CCI’s Eric Hagan and Jean Tétreault for presenting such an informative and fun workshop. Thank you also to the Agnes Etherington Art Centre for sponsoring this workshop. Read the story from Queen's university Art Conservation Facebook page.


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