• Faculty of Arts and Science

The Stanley Drabek Graduate Award in Political Studies

Donor Story:

I owe much to Queen's.  My undergraduate and MA years at Queen's ultimately contributed to my career as a university professor in political science.  Queen's rich tradition in Political Science and the close interaction of its people, as well as the Queen's community, provided invaluable assistance and guidance on this path.

As an academic one cares about students and their development.  My contributions over the years are my way of doing this.  It is the passing of the academic torch so to speak.  As well, it is a contribution to the maintenance of Queen's academic reputation.

Fund Description:

Established in November 2013 by Stanley Drabek, B.A.’58, M.A.’65, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible Master’s or Ph.D. level students enrolled in Political Studies in the School of Graduate Studies. Preference will be given to students studying Canadian politics.